Stories that Teach

This is the session in which the choir sang "I know that my Savior loves me"?

What is Saturday morning?

This many temples were announced.



Elder Ulisses Soares told of a bishop whose primary children were so well prepared to make temple covenants and so excited to get their temple recommends that they asked the bishop, to do this.

What is, print out their temple recommends at 12:01 on New Year's Day?


Brother Michael T Nelson encouraged Bishops to be like this Book of Mormon leader

Who is Helaman


Well in the hospital Elder Taylor G. Godoy of the 70 noticed this three-word rhyming sign. 

What is, Call, Don't Fall? He then encouraged us to call our Heavenly Father (pray) so that we won't fall, and likened us Helaman and his armies which poured out their hearts in prayer in their afflictions.

These people made up the choir Saturday evening.

Who are the Utah Valley Institute Choir?


The number of temples that are out of the US.



Elder Brian K. Taylor of the '70 asked Elder Patrick Kearon if he could borrow this for 10 minutes. 

What is, his accent?


Elder Massimo De Feo, of the Seventy, shared the story of Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52. Through this story he taught us to keep our spiritual _______ clear.

What is vision


Elder Garrett W. Gong told of Elder Bradstock of England who did not want to go to an interview with a general authority, because of this. 

What is, he was recently diagnosed with a terminal cancer and was given only a year or two to live? Elder Bradstock did go to the interview, was called to be the Stake President, and is in his fourth year of service and has faith that this will eternally bless his family.


These people made up the choir in the Saturday afternoon session of conference.

Who are students from BYU-I?


The total number of temples that have been announced whether they are dedicated yet or not.



Our newest apostle, Elder Patrick Kearon, quipped that behind every new apostle stands an astonished___________. 

What is, a mother-in-law?


This Apostle shared Psalm 46:10 and encouraged us to "be still" at times.

Who is David A. Bednar


When Elder Steven R. Bangerter of the 70 was 13 years old. He sat on the porch with his dad and shared with him these two goals for his life. 

What is, to be taller, and to go camping more often? His father lifted his sights by encouraging him to set a goal to protect the private moments of his life, when no one else was watching.


Which sessions did the Tabernacle choir sing in?

What is Saturday morning and both Sunday sessions?


This many temples were functioning when President Nelson was born.



The wife of Elder Massimo De Feo of the 70 told him the reason why they have not had any major problems in their life, was this.

What is, that he had a very short memory?


Elder Mark L. Pace taught us that the Book of Mormon and following the Prophet is the key to avoiding this. 

What is personal apostasy.


When Elder Taylor G. Godoy of the 70 and his fiancé could not provide the appropriate documentation the city required for them to get married, he paused, prayed, and then was inspired to, produce this.

 What is, a temple recommend? The man behind the desk was very familiar with the church and welcomed him and processed their documentation.


What colors did the Tabernacle Choir at temple square wear throughout the sessions?

What is White and blue?


President Nelson has announced this many temples in his time as President.



This general authority used the word 'joke', more than any other. 

Who is, Jose L. Alonso of the 70, who is from Mexico and while teaching about taking upon us the yoke of Jesus Christ, repeatedly pronounced it joke?


Elder David A. Bednar quoted "Be still and know that I am God" and told of a journalist who was shocked at how quiet, peaceful and still his experience was, when he visited here. 

What is, the Celestial room of the temple? He then taught us to cherish the spiritual stillness that comes with striving for righteousness.


While serving a mission in Chile, Elder Shayne M. Bowen of the 70 offered one of the most sincere prayers of his life, while he was located here.

What is, in prison? He and his companion had been incarcerated because of a political upheaval. Peace was brought to his heart as the words of his patriarchal blessing came to him reminding him that he was to be married, have children to do a great work.