Prophet Trivia
Name that General Authority
Church Trivia
Fill in the Blank
Expound Upon the Doctrine

How old did President Nelson turn this year?



This apostle is known for talking about airplanes?

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf


How many General Conference Sessions are there that everyone can attend?

4 (Saturday Morning, Saturday Evening, Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening)


What are the Three Kingdoms of Glory?

1. _____

2. _____

3. _____

1. Celestial

2. Terrestrial

3. Telestial


Dieter F Uchtdorf taught us that we must learn and understand what is eternal and what is not. What are some things that are eternal?


- Families

- Joy / Happiness

- Truth


How many temples did President Nelson announce?



Which general authorities are currently in the First Presidency?

1. President Russel M. Nelson

2. President Dallin H. Oaks

3. President Henry B. Eyring


Which new temple was announced in Arizona?

Queen Creek, AZ


L. Todd Budge taught that our ______ needs nourishment just like our bodies.



President Nelson taught that the Lord is hastening His work, and that the growing number of temples is a big part of it. What can we do to hasten the work?

- Attending church and going to the temple

- Sharing the gospel

- Being a good example

- etc.


President Nelson taught us that now is the time for us to prioritize discipleship and prepare for this event that could come at any moment. What event is this?

The second coming of Jesus Christ


This apostle had a career in Law, and often portrays his teachings in this manner.

Dallin H. Oaks


When will the Salt Lake Temple construction be completed?

It is currently projected to finish in 2026

Finish the phrase from Brook P. Hales:

Mortality _ _ _ _ _!

Mortality Works!


President Nelson has asked us to Think Celestial! What does that mean?

To have an eternal view, to make the Celestial Kingdom your ultimate goal.


What was President Nelson's career known for?

Open Heart Surgery


This apostle is very passionate in his teaching and is not afraid to directly call you out on things that we need to do differently. He recently had health issues and was sitting down while speaking this conference.

Jeffrey R. Holland


What objects are in a plaza in temple square, which there are one of for each country that the church is established?

The country's flag


L. Todd Budge taught:

"To hear the ____ voice of the Lord, you too must be _____."


Bradley R. Wilcox taught that we must live differently from the world. Why do we need to live differently?

Hint: He talked about our birthright to help answer this question, but many answers will be accepted.

He taught that our birthright expects us to help others to be better, to serve others, and that this is evidence of God's trust in us.


President Nelson taught us what most crucial question we each must answer?

Hint: It relates to our lives.

"To whom or to what will I give my life?"


Who told the story about having robbers pull a gun trigger while it was pointed at their head?

President Nelson


Name 3 places that temples were announced

1. Juchitán de Zaragoza, Mexico

2. Santa Ana, El Salvador

3. Medellín, Colombia

4. Santiago, Dominican Republic

5. Puerto Montt, Chile

6. Dublin, Ireland

7. Milan, Italy

8. Abuja, Nigeria

9. Kampala, Uganda

10. Maputo, Mozambique

11. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

12. Queen Creek, Arizona

13. El Paso, Texas

14. Huntsville, Alabama

15. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

16. Summit, New Jersey

17. Price, Utah


Fill in the blank on what Gary E Stevenson taught were the 4 activities to follow:

1) ____ the Gospel of Jesus Christ

2) ____ for those in need

3) ____ all to receive the Gospel

4) ____ families for eternity

1) Living

2) Caring

3) Inviting

4) Uniting


How does our past with the planet Pluto (going from being a planet to not being a planet anymore) relate to us spiritually?

Tracy Y Browning's talk identifies that like scientists, we can be wrong about things, and that understanding does not always come right away; It comes in the Lord's time.