Was president of Ricks College, now BYU–Idaho.
Who is President Eyring?
What is ?
Tribulation and challenges are the common experiences of mortality. Opposition is an essential part of the divine plan for helping us grow,2 and in the midst of that process, we have God’s assurance that, in the long view of eternity, opposition will not be allowed to overcome us. With
Elder Renlund
Hearts Knit in Righteousness and Unity
Elder Cook
What is the number of new temples announced?
Was president of BYU.
Who is President Oaks?
Speaks French, Portuguese, Spanish, and English.
Who is Elder Andersen?
I invite you to pray always. Pray for your family. Pray for the leaders of nations. Pray for the courageous people who are on the front lines in the current battles against social, environmental, political, and biological plagues that impact all people throughout the world: the rich and the poor, the young and the old.
Elder Ballard
Keep the Change
Becky Craven
Second Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency
The number of Church members.
Cleaned a radio repair shop as his first job.
Who is President Oaks?
Served as a missionary and mission president in Japan?
Who is Elder Stevenson?
Embrace your new normal by repenting daily. Seek to be increasingly pure in thought, word, and deed. Minister to others. Keep an eternal perspective. Magnify your callings. And whatever your challenges, my dear brothers and sisters, live each day so that you are more prepared to meet your Maker.4
President Nelson said ___
By Union of Feeling We Obtain Power with God
By Sharon Eubank
First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency
Number of Wards/Branches
30,940 congregations.
Has 10 Children. Bonus: how many girls and how many boys?
Who is President Nelson?
Has family history records back to First Dragon Gong in 837 AD.
Who is Elder Gong?
I invite all of us to “hear Him” in every thought and follow Him with all our heart in order to obtain the strength and courage to say, “No” and “Get thee hence” to all the things that might bring unhappiness into our life.
Elder Soares
We Talk of Christ
Elder Andersen
45 countries
Played Basketball in Highschool
Who is President Erying?
Name the Apostles in order of call (oldest to newest, not including first presidency)
Ballard, Holland, Uchtdorf, Bednar, Cook, Christofferson, Andersen, Rasband, Stevenson, Renlund, Gong, Soares.
My beloved brothers and sisters, Christianity is comforting, but it is often not comfortable.
Elder Holland
Tested, Proved, and Polished
President Eyring
Temples announced April 2022.