Book of Mormon
Old Testiment
New Testiment
D&C and Church History
Pearl of Great Price
He was Nephi's youngest brother.

Who was Joseph?


These are Adam and Eve’s sons. 

Who are Cain, Abel, and Seth?


He was Emperor of Rome at the time of Jesus’ birth?

Who is Ceaser Augustus?


He baptized Joseph Smith? 

Who is Oliver Cowdrey?


He was the first angel that appeared to Joseph Smith.

Who is Moroni?


These are three of the Sons of Mosiah (Name 3 of the 4).

Who are Ammon, Aaron, Omner, and Himni?


This was the last prophet mentioned in the Old Testament.

Who is Elijah?


This is where was John when he received his Revelation.

Where is The Isle of Patmos?


Joseph Smith prophesied of this major event on Christmas of 1832?

What is the Civil War? (Section 87)


He was Noah's father.

Who is Lamech?


These are 3 missionaries, besides Alma and Amulek, who went to preach to the Zoramites (name 3 of the 7).

Who are Ammon, Aaron, Omner, Himni, Zeezrom, Shiblon, and Corianton?


This person was David’s son who led a rebellion against him.

Who is Absalom?


This is how Peter and Jesus paid their taxes.

What is money from a fish?


These are two of the three major Restoration events that occurred in Joseph Smith’s red brick store.

What are the first endowments, the organization of the Relief Society, and the keys being conferred upon the twelve?


This is the 5th Article of Faith (Recite it).

What is: 

We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.?


This is the basis of the value of the Nephite monetary system.

What is a measure of barley (or any other kind of grain)?


The prophet Daniel, and Amulek in the Book of Mormon’s ancestor Aminadi, both did this in common?

They both read the writing on the wall of the temple that was written by the hand of the Lord.


The gospel of John describes a footrace between two apostles to reach Christ’s tomb. These apostles ran, and this apostle won.

Who are Peter and John?  Who is John?


He was the Church’s first called missionary.

Who was Samuel H Smith?


Methuselah wasn't taken up with the city of Enoch for this reason.

What was so that the Lord’s covenant of posterity to Enoch could be fulfilled?


This is the son of Isaiah mentioned in the Isaiah chapters. (2 Nephi 18)

Who is Maher-shalal-hashbaz in the Book of Mormon?


This person was Solomon’s great-great grandpa.

Who is Boaz?


There are four places in the scriptures where God announces Jesus. Joseph Smith’s first vision, Jesus’s baptism, Jesus’s visit to the Nephites, and one other time in the New Testament. This is when that other time was.

When was at the mount of transfiguration. 


This President of the church was called to be a Stake Oresident at age 23 and then 3 years later was called to be an apostle.

Who is Heber J. Grant?


This is the faith that Lucy Mack Smith belong to before the 1st vision.

What is the Presbyterian Faith?