Fill in the Blank
Who Said
Prophetic Themes

Elder Teixeira quoted the Savior from Matthew 5:13 - "ye are the _______ of the earth, but if the ______ have lost his is thenceforth good for nothing"



This Apostle who visited our stake a few ago said "Ancient voices from the dust plead with us today to learn this everlasting lesson: prosperity, possessions, and ease constitute a potent mixture that can lead even the righteous to drink the spiritual poison of pride."

Elder Bednar


Elder Anderson shared a story about his great nephew that was born with issues to this part of his body



In his talk, President Nelson said "now is the time for you and for me to prepare for the _______ ______ of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Now is the time for us to make our discipleship our highest priority. " This was a major emphasis of his talk.  

Second Coming


This was the sunday afternoon session hymn we sang halfway through the session. 

We Thank thee Oh God for a Prophet


Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice are the root of our __________. All other things are branches.



This Apostle said "Now, while this upcoming decade may be filled with days never to be forgotten for every member of the Church, this especially can be true for you of the rising generation. You are here on earth now because you were selected to be here now. You have the strength and capacity to be disciples of Christ in an unprecedented way."

Elder Stevenson


Elder Alvarado told the story of a thief that stole a woman's purse in his hometown of Ponce Puerto Rico. The thief later sent a letter to the woman telling her that because of this item in the purse, it had changed his life.

Book of Mormon


President Nelson urged us to devote time each week for the rest of our lives to understanding this. 

Atonement of Jesus Christ

This was the color tie Elder Rasband was wearing in his talk. 



Sister Yee taught, "there is such relief and hope in knowing that we can try again—that, as Elder David A. Bednar taught, we can receive an ongoing remission of our sins through the sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost as we truly and sincerely_____."



This member of the General Young Men's Presidency said "Don’t sell your birthright for a mess of pottage. Don’t trade everything for nothing. Don’t let the world change you when you were born to change the world."

Brother Brad Wilcox


Elder Renlund told the of story of a Swedish scientist who invented this explosive material by combining nitroglycerin with a substance called kieselguhr or diatomaceous earth



President Nelson specifically mentioned this as something that will help us prepare for the Savior's 2nd coming and become a more devoted disciple.

Regular worship in the the temple


This was the type of choir that sang at the Saturday afternoon session.

Children's Choir


Elder Budge taught "Being always in _______ may be adding to the commotion in our lives and robbing us of the peace we seek. 



This good sister in the Young Woman Presidency asked this question - "Do we realize it is the combination of priesthood ordinances along with the keeping of covenant promises that allows us to draw upon God’s power?"

Sister Emily Belle Freeman


In his talk titled "Sacred Scriptures - The Foundations of Faith", Elder Quentin L Cook shared a story of a family being taught by sister missionaries in his ward when he was a bishop. The family received pamphlets that were against the Church and this helped the father of the family to overcome these anti-church pamphlets and be baptized with family. 

Spiritual confirmation that the Book of Mormon and the Church were true. 


President Nelson said this was the most important decision he ever made. 

Following Jesus Christ


This is how many temples President Nelson announced.