Stories Told
Stories Told II
First Presidency
What's the Topic?
Invitations To Act

Elder Anderson told the story of two families who each suffered tragedy, but responded differently to it. What was the difference between the two families?

Hope in Christ. 

(One fam. lost husband. Other family lost a nephew as a young adult during a heart transplant.)


Elder Renlund told his grandparents conversion story. When his grandfather came home to tell his wife about the missionaries, what was her response?

She got mad at him, wouldn't talk to him, and threw out the pamphlets. When he went back to work, she dug them out of the trash pile. 


Multiple talks on Saturday quoted two of President Nelson's 'famous sayings'. Name one famous saying from President Nelson.

Think celestial and Let God prevail. 


Elder Renlund compared the Gospel and the Church to two things that combine to make a powerful force - name one of those things.

Nitroglycerin and Diatomaceous Earth, combined to make Dynamite.

"The Savior's gospel and His church brings power into your life. This power is far greater than dynamite. It'll shatter the rocks in your way and transform you into an inheritor in God's kingdom..."


Sister Emily Belle Freeman spoke about the power of the Priesthood in our lives and invited us to study and ponder >>>>these?

Ordinances and Covenants

"We all have access to the gift of God's power. Every time we partake of the sacrament. Every time we cross the threshold of a temple. .. In the ordinances thereof the power of godliness is manifest."


D. Todd Christofferson spoke of the Lamanites laying down their weapons of rebellion and then listed some good things that can be used in a bad way today and become rebellion. Name 1.

Our words, our careers, our physical being. All can be used for good or misused.


D. Martin Goury told how his wife, who was born with hearing loss, needs to clean her hearing aid daily so she can hear. He then likened this to our need to do two things daily to clean and improve our spiritual hearing of personal revelation through the Holy Ghost. Name one thing he mentioned.

Daily righteous living and daily repentance.

President Henry B. Eyring counseled us to teach doctrine simply and _______.

Fill in the blank.



Jose A. Teixeira of the Presidency of the 70 spoke about this seasoning, likening it to our relationship with the Lord.


Salt is 2 elements bonded together. We are the salt of the earth when we are bonded to the Lord. We do this by living our covenants.


Elder David A. Bednar invited us to beware of _______, and to read the Book of Mormon to see principles, warnings, and lessons for our day.


He warned, if we believe we could never be deceived by Satan, we probably have already fallen into the trap of pride. He reminded us to do the small and simple daily things to live the gospel.


Elder Jorge M. Alvarado told a story of a woman who wrapped a Book of Mormon to give to a friend, but was robbed on the way. What happened next?

The robber read the Book of Mormon, wrote her a letter asking her forgiveness, repayed the money he stole, and ultimately joined the church, with his family.


Elder David A. Bednar told the story of these two peoples, comparing the changes in their lives that happened in "not many years". Name one group.

Nephites and Lamanites. N - hardened, wicked, rejected word of God, lost the Spirit. L - humble, turned to God, repentant, lived commandments, increase in the Spirit.


Other than announcing new temples, what did President Russell M. Nelson's talk focus on?

Preparing for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.


Elder Patrick Kearon taught about our Sacrament meetings and that we are a church of _______. 

(Fill in the blank)


Sister Kristin M. Yee spoke about the power of repentance and the atonement in our lives to help us overcome weakness, as we are patient, repent often, and live our covenants. Name one DM that goes with her talk.

Ether 12:27 - Weakness into strength.

Alma 34:9-10 - There must be an atonement made.


President Henry B. Eyring told the story of a relative who went to work to earn money to move to the US after joining the church. She taught those she was around about the gospel and was arrested for it. 

What happened next?

She wrote a letter to the judge about repentance and he dropped all charges and let her go free.


Elder Gary E. Stevenson told of the events of the Restoration as never to be forgotten. He then mentioned some of the events ahead in the our next decade that can be never to be forgotten. Name 1.

Temple open houses (160+), General Conferences, the 200th anniversary of the restoration of the Church, mission, marriage, family, temple covenants.


What commandment did President Oaks reemphasize in his Saturday morning talk, that the Savior taught the Nephites in 3 Nephi 11:28-30?

Avoid contention!


What part of a plant did Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf compare Jesus Christ to?


We need a strong connection to the root, to the Savior. 


Elder L. Todd Budge of the Presiding Bishopric taught of our need to feed ourselves physically and spiritually. He said the Japanese characters for 'busy' mean 'heart death'. He then shared another Japanese word for what we should do instead. What did that word mean in English?

Nothingness to Do. What we would say is to "Be Still". 

He invited us to make a disciplined effort to focus on and commune with the Lord each day, and reminded us that we would need to be still to do so.


Sister Tracy Y. Browning spoke of the change of Pluto from planet to dwarf planet as scientific tools and understanding changed. She then compared this to what?

How our spiritual understanding is limited and can change as we seek answers from the Lord, and rely on the Lord as we wait for answers.

Elder Gerritt W. Gong taught of several words that begin with "C" that we should live. Name 2.

"You live . . . COMMUNION with God, COMMUNITY and COMPASSION with each other, COMMITMENT and COVENANT with God, family, and friends - CENTERED in Jesus Christ."


What did President Nelson urge us to devote time to do each week for the rest of our lives?

To increase our understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.


Elder Ronald A. Rasband taught about sustaining the prophet, and said: "We need to do more ________ and less ___________." Fill in both blanks.

"We need to do more LIFTING and less MURMURING."


Elder Quentin L. Cook spoke about the things we can use to learn and share the gospel. He invited us to be intentional about what?

Be intentional about what you view online. 

We can use the internet to share and study the gospel, but Satan tries to use the internet to tempt or confuse us about eternal truths.