Stories 2
Catch Phrases
Mentions and misc

This Apostle shared a dad joke that his grandkids had written by AI in the style their grandfather. 

Who is Elder Gong?


Elder Bednar re-emphasized the importance of avoiding this, which was also a hallmark of President Ezra Taft Benson’s Presidency.

What is Pride


A woman in Berlin avoided severe punishment for preaching the gospel by doing this.

What is write a letter to the judge?


Brad Wilcox said, “Don’t let the world ____ you when you were born to _____ the world.”

What is change?


This marginally popular NFL team was mentioned by Elder Cook in his talk Sunday morning.

Who are the Kansas City Chiefs


The focus away from distractions helped this “dream team” succeed in the 1996 Olympics.

The Nigerian Football Team


Elder Kearon said that we belong to the church of ___.

What is Joy


Sister Freeman shared the story of receiving this ordinance in the hospital.

What is the sacrament?


_____ is not _____ if it is not tested. From Elder Uchtdorf

What is faith?


Temples were announced in these four cities

  • Juchitán de Zaragoza, Mexico
  • Santa Ana, El Salvador
  • Medellín, Colombia
  • Santiago, Dominican Republic
  • Puerto Montt, Chile
  • Dublin, Ireland
  • Milan, Italy
  • Abuja, Nigeria   
  • Kampala, Uganda
  • Maputo, Mozambique
  • Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
  • Queen Creek, Arizona
  • El Paso, Texas
  • Huntsville, Alabama
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Summit, New Jersey
  • Price, Utah

Elder Alliaud shared a story of going to a Religious conference where they announced this in relation to baptism.

What is that all baptisms would be recognized if done by water, except those of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?


Elder Uchtdorf used this common analogy for describing the process of growing our faith.

What is plants, roots branches, etc.


Elder Villar shared a story of his brother helping him again and again when he struggled to learn how to do this.

What is swim in the tall waves at the beach?


If you read the Book of Mormon every day, you will make better _________ every day.

What are decisions?


Elder Budge shared calligraphy from this country representing the concept of being still.

What is Japan?


In Elder Andersen’s talk on hope, he shared this story of a family that left the church.

The woman’s husband died and wage no longer had the hope that comes from the gospel.


Elder Rasband emphasized the need for all of us to “hold up” this.

What is the prophet?


This item was stolen in a woman’s purse in Puerto Rico, which led to the conversion of the thief.

What is a Book of Mormon


President Nelson said we need to prepare for this three different times in his talk Sunday afternoon.

What is prepare for the second coming?


This was a powerful lyric change to the song “we’ll bring the world his truth” sung Saturday evening by the missionary choir.

We are NOW the Lord’s missionaries


Elder Wanda shared that he first gained a simple testimony of Jesus by reading this.

What is the New Testament?


Elder Christofferson talked about burying these in our path of discipleship.

Weapons of rebellion


Elder Cook shared a story about a prominent attorney and his family who were going to join the churc, but had been given a large box of anti-Mormon literature. This is the impression given to Elder Cook in preparing for the discussion that helped the father overcome the opposition.

What is that the father already knew that it was true.


Elder Stevenson said this in anticipation of the next ten years within the church.

What are “Days never to be forgotten”


The New Horizons Space Mission which went to Pluto was mentioned by sister Browning as an example of doing this.

What is seeking answers to our questions.