Karl D Hirst said...
Being loved and feeling loved are not ____________________
What is...
The same thing
Who Said...
"There is no “our way” when it comes to salvation. There is only “Gods way”
D. Todd Christofferson
Elder Brad Wilcox said...
Being on the Cruise Ship and being part of Christ's crew means that he has provided you extra help so that you can help others.
You cannot be a ________if you look like all the other __________.
What is...
Lifeguard & Swimmers
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf made a comparison to a tree What things did he compared to the...
1. Roots
2. Branches
What is...
1. Roots- Jesus Christ
2. Branches-Everything Else
How many new temples were announced?
17 Temples
Emily Belle Freeman said...
Emma Smith went from “daughter” to “elect lady” to "______"
What is...
D. Todd Christofferson said...
We might end up giving too much worship of God's__________ instead of worshiping ________.
What is...
Gift & God
Especially when it comes to our bodies.
Elder Henry B. Eyring told a story about Mary in Berlin who was arrested for sharing the gospel. What did she say to the judge before the trial?
What is...
He had a lot of things to repent of, and that the gospel of Christ would help him.
Who said...
To sustain means to hold up or to give our attending to.
We are committing our support...not voting or predicting if the person will do a good job.
Who is...
Ronald A. Rasband
When is the estimated completion of Temple Square?
Who said...
"We likely know things about ourselves, and can hurt ourselves in ways that we would never consider using against any other person."
"We can feel Gods love more clearly as we “wrap” ourselves more tightly and snugly in our baptismal and other covenants"
Who is...
Elder Karl D. Hirst
Elder Jose A Teixeria
Salt is two elements bound together. We must be bound with _________if we are going to be the Salt of the earth.
Who is...
The Savior
Who said...
"Let your friends see you enjoy living the gospel, and that will be the best missionary message they will hear."
Who is...
Gary E. Stevenson
Mindless scrolling is the opposite of how the spirit works.
Who made this comparison?
Who is...
Elder Quinten L. Cook
President Nelson answered the following question..."Why are we building temples at this pace?"
What is the answer he provided?
What is...
"Because God instructed us to do so"
Who said..
"Being a peacemaker does not mean compromising your morals... Instead it means not attacking others for their differing opinions"
Who is...Dallin H. Oaks
Who said...
"Sometimes we get stuck “at the cross” or “in the tomb” and forget that the tomb bursts open and that the Cross was not the end"
Who is...
Elder Patrick Kearon
Who said the following 3 phrases...
1. As much as the Lord desires our attention, He will not demand it.
2. What if, in prayer, we spent less time talking and more time being in His presence
3. It might be that to help “hasten the Lord's work” we might paradoxically need to “slow down” and focus on the moment
Who is...
L. Todd Budge
When it comes to sustaining of church leaders... Elder Rasband said...
"We need to do more ________ and less _________
What is...
“lifting” and “murmuring”
Russell M Nelson said...
"The best is yet to come because... "
How did he finish this?
What is...
"...The Savior is coming again."
Elder Dale G. Renlund compared 2 things to Dynamite...
What are the 2 things Dynamite is made with and what do they represent?
What is...
Nitroglycerin- Saviors Gospel
Powdered Rock (Sorbent)- Saviors church
Sister Kristen M. Yee
Told a story about when she was trying to do some art... What is that Story? What were some principles she taught?
What is...
Trying to do an oil painting of the Savior.
Put on the sealant too soon and started to smear the picture and she had to restart some of it.
What I thought was a mistake was actually an opportunity to fix and enhance
Where might we be defending ourselves from things that might do us good?
Elder Brook P. Hales talked about "not being afraid of our enemies". He shared about how we often think this might mean a certain human. What else did he list might be something we view as an "enemy"?
Why does this comparison work?
What is...
Situations or Trials
"Whatever my experiences are “good or bad” the outcome is the calculated same… to create more kindness in my life… more integrity… more grace for others"
What book did Elder Wada receive to help students learn English?
What is the New Testament?
Russell M. Nelson gave 1 very specific promise and 1 very specific invitation.
List both
What is...
Promise- Every sincere seeker of Jesus Christ will find Him in the temple.
Invitation- Devote time each week for the rest of your life to understanding the Atonement of Jesus Christ