Brittish rock band founded in 1960 and formed by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison
a) The Beatles
b) Pink Floyd
c) Nirvana
The Beatles
This person was the first president of Mexico
a) Ernesto Zedillo
b) Guadalupe Victoria
c) Álvaro Obregón
Guadalupe Victoria
This is the fifth planet in the solar system
a) Earth
b) Saturn
c) Jupiter
Famous American actor known for his peculiar characters as "Mad Hatter", "Cap. Jack Sparrow" and Edward Scissorhands
a) Leonardo DiCaprio
b) Chris Evans
c) Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp
Iconic character who was the leader of the Mexican Independence also known as "The Father of the Country"
a) Francisco Villa
b) José María Morelos y Pavón
c) Miguel Hidalgo
Miguel Hidalgo
Mexican composer and singer known as “El divo de Juarez”died in 2016
a) José Alfredo Jiménez
b) Juan Gabriel
c) Pedro Infante
Juan Gabriel
Famous traveller considered as the discoverer of the American continent in 1492
a) Americo Vespucio
b) Columbus
c) Maximliano
This country has as capital Montevideo city
a) Venezuela
b) Uruguay
c) Panama
This enterprise is one of the best movie producers due to their blockbusters: Toy Story, Monsters Inc. and Inside Out.
a) Pixar
b) Universal Studios
c) Hollywood
Indigenous woman who served as an interpreter for Cortés during the conquest of Mexico
a) La Malinche
b) Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez
c) Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
La Malinche
Music style which was originated in Puerto Rico during the late of 1990s. Vocals include rapping and singing, typically in Spanish.
a) Salsa
b) Merengue
c) Reggaeton
These people were the composer and writer of the National Mexican Anthem
a) Francisco Gonzalez Bocanegra and Jaime Nuno
b) Guadalupe Victoria
c) José María Morelos y Pavón
Francisco Gonzalez Bocanegra and Jaime Nuno
This is the biggest country in the world
a) Russia
b) USA
c) Brazil
Mexican director famous because of his brilliant movies such: "Pan's Laberynth", "Hellboy" and "The Shape of Water"
a) Guillermo del Toro
b) Steven Spielberg
c) James Cameron
Guillermo del Toro
Mexico deity known as the "feathered serpent"
a) Huitzilopochtli
b) Quetzalcoatl
c) Tláloc
American famous singer and dancer, considered as “The king of pop” because of his hits: Thriller, Billie Jean or Heal the World
a) Michael Jackson
b) Billie Elliot
c) Robbie Williams
Michael Jackson
This culture was the creator of the current numbers we use everyday
a) Arabic culture
b) Mexican Culture
c) Russian Culture
Arabic culture
Which country has the largest population in the world?
a) Brazil
b) China
c) USA
These three objects give their owner the power to be invincible according to the Harry Potter's saga
a) flight, super-strength, super-speed, invulnerability
b) powers/abilities, morality and sympathy
c) Healthy Hollows
Deathly Hollows
Name of the most important poetess of the New Spain era
a) Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
b) La Malinche
c) Leona Vicario
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
Eccentric German musician better called as “The Beast” due to his bad temper and great ability to compose
a) Beethoven
b) Rammstein
c) Freddy Mercury
This person was the first pope in the Catholic and Christian history
a) St. Peter
b) Juan Pablo II
c) Juan Diego
St. Peter
15th-century Inca citadel, located in Peru voted as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007
a) Chichen Itzá
b) Machu Picchu
c) Petra
Machu Picchu
Kriptonian name of the fictional DC superhero Superman
a) Kal-El
b) Peter Benjamin Parker
c) Kel-Al
Name of the last Mexican emperor, whom the Spanish conquerors tortured by burning his feet
a) Moctezuma
b) Maximiliano
c) Leopoldo