One package of Top Ramen contains two-thirds of your daily nutritional requirement of this white, crystalline substance that gives ocean water its nasty taste.
What is salt?
Daily Double #2
Named after the Roman god Helios, this star is too dangerous to look at with the naked eye.
-40 degrees Celcius is the same temperature in this American measurement system.
What is Fahrenheit?
This word is used to describe machines but was originally borrowed from the Polish word "robota," meaning "forced labor."
What is "robot"?
This is the tallest mountain in the world.
What is Mount Everest?
Daily Double #1
What is caffeine?
With only 764 people, including the Pope, this country is entirely surrounded by Italy and is the smallest country in the world.
What is Vatican City?
Glucose hydrate is often found in the American version of this popular soft drink, while sucrose is found in its Mexican counterpart.
What is Coke?
The best-known star in the Little Dipper, this star sits above the North Pole and is often used to help travelers find their way home.
What is Polaris?
What is the North Star?
The 5,280 of these that make up one mile share their name with units of poetic rhythm which are made up of stressed and unstressed syllables.
What are feet?
Daily Double #4
This U.S. state has a population almost 100 times greater than the English city of York, for which it was named.
This is the second tallest mountain in the world.
What is K2?
Daily Double #2
What is the Sun?
What is Sol?
Daily Double #1
This is the world's most widely-consumed psychoactive drug, and withdrawal from this drug typically takes between 2 and 9 days. It is also commonly found in coffee and tea.
This is the brightest star in the sky and lends its name to the largest satellite radio company in the United States and Harry Potter's uncle, Mr. Black.
What is Sirius?
Daily Double #3
A kilogram is made up of 1,000 of these.
This month starts with the Latin prefix for eight, although it is now the 10th month in our calendar. Spooky, right?
What is October?
This is the highest-grossing movie of all time.
What is Avatar?
Daily Double #3
What is a gram?
The United States lost this number of nuclear warheads during the Cold War.
Closest without going over wins!
What is six?
This intoxicating, sugary ingredient is the only difference between whiteboard-marker ink and permanent-marker ink and is usually only served to people at least 21 years old or older.
What is alcohol?
Located on Orion's belt, this red supergiant's name sounds like a gross drink made of bugs! Make sure you don't say its name three times!
What is Betelgeuse?
The first of these starts in the year 1 AD and ends in the year 100 AD.
What are centuries?
This Japanese word means "empty orchestra" and can be a fun activity for people who love to sing, whether they're good singers or not.
What is "karaoke"?
Daily Double #5
Named after the inventor of dynamite, these awards are given every year for things like chemistry, literature, physics, economics, medicine, and the propagation of peace.
President Obama won the peace award in 2009.
Daily Double #4
What is New York?
This liquid metal, also called "quicksilver," shares its name with the Roman name for the Greek god Hermes, as well as the name of the planet closest to the Sun.
What is mercury?
Sharing its name with the Roman god of war, this constellation looks like a ram and is the astrological sign for people born between March 21 & April 19.
What is Aries?
An eon contains 10^9 years (a "1" followed by nine zeroes), though it can be used to simply describe a very, very, very long time.
What is one billion?
This word is a false cognate three times over and is a word that can be used to describe the skin of snakes & fish, to describe a device for weighing objects, and to describe the act of climbing something.
What is "scale"?
Meaning "and the rest," this Latin phrase is abbreviated as "etc."
What is Et Cetera?
Daily Double #5
What is "The Nobel Prize"?
Mr. Langdorf is this many years old.
(Closest Answer Wins)