What are the training tables
What are 3 basic wings configuration?
Fixed, Variable Geometry, Rotary
What is PTL?
Primary Target Line
Maximum Effective Range of M3P?
What is FHT, THT, CFT
Field Handling Trainer, Tracking Head Trainer, Captive Flight Trainer
What is AGT I?
What is WEFT?
Memory Aids for VACR Training
Wings, Engine, Fuselage, Tails
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
How much does M3P weight?
76.1 lbs
What is the size and color of the square outside of the missile container
21/2 Inch Yellow Square
Battle Drills
What are your wing shapes?
Straight, Swept Back, Delta, Semi-Delta
What is CCASD?
Crew Chief Air Situation Display
What is M3P Rate of Fire?
950-1100 rpm, optimal is 1025.
45 seconds and 3 minutes
What tables in AGT is a critical gate
What are the wing slants?
Positive, Negative, No Slant, Wing Tip
What is ACE?
Avenger Control Electronic
What is Ammunition Cook Off?
Ammunition Cook Off happens when 52 or more rounds have been fired within 10 minutes, you wait 10 minutes before handling the weapon.
A small amount of _____ is contained in the stinger missile rounds and captive flight trainers IR dome.
Mercury Thallium
Individual Certified ___ days. Crews Certified ___ days and ___ days thereafter. Crew will be table VI certified within ____ days of being assigned
30, 60, 90, 180
Aircraft selected for VACR training should be operating below what altitude?
10000 FT.
What is AGST?
Avenger Gunnery Skill Test
What is M3P Stoppage?
Any interruptions to the cycling of the weapon
What color should the humidity indicator be on the missile round shipping container?
50% blue