Name this meme with a pop tart cat
what is nyan cat
In this game you place words down to earn points and win.
what is Scrabble
One of the most popular video games in the world.
What is Minecraft
1+x=0 x*1=0 what is x (i need 2 answers)
-1 and 0
This element had an atomic number of 6
what is carbon
this is a frog meme that isn't Kermit
who is pepe
This board game also has a Chinese counter part but is played know were near the same.
what is Checkers
The first call of duty black ops game sold.
what is call of duty black ops
this scientist discovered the elements of Polonium and Radium.
Who is Marie Curie
this is a us aircraft in the air force but is also a meme in a free online video game.
what is the a-10 thunderbolt.
This is the most played game of all time.
what is Chess
this is a berry and also a skin in a popular video game.
who is Peely.
12 monkeys are jumping on a bed, x fell of and hit their head now theirs only 4 monkeys jumping on the bed what is x.
this man was the husband of Marie Curie who was also a french scientist.
who is Pierre Curie
This frog is more commonly known for being in a childrens show but is also a meme.
what is Kermit The Frog.
This is a board game is sold with some chess and checkers sets.
what is Backgammon.
This is the lawsuit that caused V-Buck prices to drop from $10 to $7.99
what is Epic Games vs. Apple
What is the Square root of 2 to the nearest tenth.
This man created the Theory of Relativity.
Who is Albert Einstein