What are the key competencies?
1. They are a combination of knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed by all for personal fulfilment and development, employability, social inclusion and active citizenship.
2. There are 7: LC, CMST, DC, L2L, SCC, SIE, CAE
3. European Council, RD 126/2014 (Art.2) &
O. ECD 65/2015 (although repealed, it is still active on a transitory basis)
Name 5 different types of games.
Cooperative games vs Competitive games
Cultural games
Communicative games vs Linguistic games
Board games, Dice games, Card games, Interactive games, Movement games, Drama games,
List the four blocks of contents in order.
B2. PRODUCTION OF ORAL TEXTS: expression and interaction
B4. PRODUCTION OF WRITTEN TEXTS: expression and interaction
Listening-Speaking-Reading and Writing
Pioneer of the TPR.
James Asher
Assessment criteria.
-Everything to be achieved in each subject (skills, knowledge, attitude, etc.)
-Assessment criteria for the EFL area: R.D. 126/2014, 4th February and D.108/2014, 4th July.
Examples of dramatization of stories (3)
Storytelling, Puppet show, Representation of tales/characters, Hot seating, etc.
How is Education in Spain organized?
In stages (Infant, Primary, Secondary,High School, Vocational Training, Adult education, University education, Language, Artistic or Sports education), cycles, grades, courses, and levels of education
Key components of oral language (5)
Phonological skills, syntax, morphological skills, vocabulary and pragmatics.
What is the method whose main objectives are content learning and simultaneous language learning?
General inclusion regulations (3)
-Decree 104/2018, of July 27, which develops the principles of equity and inclusion.
-Order 20/2019, of April 30, which regulates the organization of the educational response for the inclusion of students.
-RESOLUTION of December 23, 2021, which includes the instructions for the detection and identification of specific educational support needs and needs for the compensation of inequalities.
Jazz chants
Snappy, upbeat chants and poems that use jazz rhythms to illustrate the natural stress and intonation patterns of conversational English. CAROLYN GRAHAM
The set of objectives, competencies, contents, pedagogical methods, and evaluation criteria.
Primary stage: RD.126/2014 & D. 108/2014
Reading quickly to find specific data.
Born in the 1970s by Dr N.S Prabhu. Planning of learning materials and teaching sessions is based on the performance of a communicative task
Assessment regulations.
RD.126/2014 & D. 108/2014. CRITERIA
RD 984/2021 + Res. 20 april 2022.
O. 89/2014, 9th December & Res. 3 May 2018
Nursery Rhymes
Also known as Mother Goose rhymes from the late 18th and early 19th century, can be broadly defined as short traditional songs and verses for children. They usually have special features such as repetitions, double rhymes, and the possibility of using alternative lyrics.
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Document elaborated by the Modern Languages Division of the Council of Europe to provide a common basis for the development of language teaching programs, curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks, etc. across Europe.
It describes comprehensively what language learners need to learn to do to use a language to communicate and what knowledge and skills they need to develop in order to be able to perform effectively.
Example of extensive listening activity.
Listen to a conversation and focus on overall understanding.
Cooperative learning strategies (3)
Round robin
Inside/outside circle
The walk around
One-minute papers
Rally coach
What does the fourth level of educational response for inclusion mean?
Student may require a personalized and individualized response of an extraordinary nature that involves additional specialized support. + PAP
Name 5 ICT resources to develop the four skills.
School educative project
It is a strategic tool designed by each center and presented to its School Council to identify and define its objectives, missions and pedagogical orientations, its academic resources, and its organizational structures.
Ruled by: Decree 253/2019 & Res. of July 20, 2021
Input Hyphothesis (Krashen)
Language acquisition occurs when learners receive messages they can understand, but it must be one step beyond the learner's current linguistic ability in order to support language development and learning.
Differences between gamification and game-based learning.
Gamification: transforming the classroom environment and regular activities into a game, using gaming strategies to improve learning.
Game-based learning: integrating games into teaching for instructional goals.