What is the smallest bird in the world?
A hummingbird
This continent is home to the Sahara Desert, the world’s largest hot desert.
This country holds the record for the largest land area, covering over 17 million square kilometers.
This company created the first personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI) and a mouse.
This popular sport is known for its teams, touchdowns, and the Super Bowl.
American Football
Known for its black and white coat, this animal is native to China and is considered a national treasure.
This famous mountain peak is the highest point on Earth, located in the Himalayas, on the border between Nepal and China.
Mount Everest
This city holds the record for the largest population of any city in the world, with over 37 million people.
This is the world’s largest online retailer, originally started as an online bookstore.
This musical instrument has 88 keys and is often used in orchestras and solo performances.
A piano
This animal, which lives in the Arctic, is known for its thick white fur and is an excellent swimmer.
Polar Bear
This large body of water, located between Europe and Africa, connects to the Atlantic Ocean.
The Mediterranean Sea
This is the longest-running TV show in history, which first aired in 1967 and is still running today.
The Simpsons
This is the name of the virtual assistant created by Amazon, often found in smart speakers like the Echo.
This city, known as the "City of Lights," is famous for landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.
This bird, native to Australia, is famous for its bright, colorful feathers and the ability to mimic human speech.
This city is known as the "Big Apple" and is located on the east coast of the United States.
New York
This island is known as the largest in the world, with a total area of 2.16 million square kilometers.
This social media platform, launched in 2006, allows people to post short text updates and is famous for its 280-character limit.
Twitter or X
what is the national tree of Canada?
A maple tree
What is the fastest swimming fish? This fish can reach the speed of 132 km/h
black marlin
This country is home to the Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest coral reef system.
The world's longest skating rink is found in this Canadian city, stretching over 7.8 kilometers (4.8 miles).
This company, known for its gaming consoles, also developed the Kinect, a motion-sensing device for the Xbox.
This large, national park in Canada is known for its breathtaking natural beauty, including mountains, lakes, and forests, and is a UNESCO World Heritage site
Banff National Park