Fire Safety
Finding Information
Problem Solving

There is a fire what do you do?

Get outside and go to a safe area


You are working on math homework alone in the library. No one is around and the computers are not working. What can you use to help you solve the homework?



Chris wants to make sure he wakes up on time tomorrow. Name at least 2 things he can due to make sure he wakes up on time

-set an alarm

-ask someone to wake him up


What are your pet's name?



You are in the basement and there is no door to the outside. The fire alarm goes off. What do you do?

Take the stairs to the main floor and go to the nearest exit.

You want to know what movies are playing but you do not have your phone or a computer. Where can you find this information?



Mary has been late to school all week and wants to make sure she is on time tomorrow. Name at least 3 things she can do to make sure she is not late anymore.

-leave the house early

-set an alarm

-wake up early

-pay attention to the time

What time of year do you go sledding?



You are on the 3rd floor of an office, there are no stairs. There is an elevator and a stopped escalator. You hear someone yell fire and smell smoke. What do you do?

Walk down the stopped escalator and find the nearest exit to the outside.


You want to hear the weather for the day but do not have the internet. How can you find the out?

Turn on the news (TV)


Tom arrives at school late and missed a test. What are 3 things he can do?

-ask the teacher if you can do extra credit work

-ask if you can make up the test

-talk to the teacher and see what can be done


What planet is closest to the sun?



You are shopping in the mall and there is an announcement made that there is an emergency and you must evacuate. What do you do?

Stop shopping and exit the mall.


Name at least 5 different items/places that you can find information needed.

Books, Phone, Computer, Tablet, Newspaper, Calculator


Misty slept through her alarm and woke up 20 minutes late. What are 5 things she can do?

-hurry out the door

-shorten morning routine

-take the quick way to work

-wait until she gets to work to have her coffee

-call work and let them know she might be late


What is the closest ocean to you?

Atlantic Ocean


You are in class and someone accidentally starts a fire in the room next to you. What do you do?

Feel the door to make sure it is not hot. If it is not hot, open the door and walk down the hall (away from the room with the fire) and exit the buidling. Follow your teacher to the designated safe space.


You want to bake a cake from scratch but do not know the recpie. Where can you find this information?

Recipe book


How can you make sure to wake up on time and not be late to places?

Set an alarm 


How do you make hot coco?

Mix hot water (or milk) with the coco mix.