The spaces in Treble clef spell this word
A piano keys are these colors
Black and white
How many cats do I have?
This is the current highest-selling female artist
Taylor Swift
What is the 3rd line note in Treble clef?
A guitar has this many strings
Name 1 instrument Mr. Gage plays besides piano
Which rapper is the most recent Fortnite skin?
Juice Wrld
8th and 16th notes
What sentence do the spaces spell in Bass clef?
All Cows Eat Grass
Drums belong to this instrument family
What characters are always present in my room on Fridays?
Spongebob characters
Who is the King of Pop?
Michael Jackson
Which rest looks like a top hat?
Half rest
Treble clef used to look like this letter
What do a trumpet and trombone have in common?
They are both brass instruments
What is my favorite condiment?
Hot sauce
Who has the title of King of Rock?
Elvis Presley
How many half notes could you fit in a measure of 6/4?
What note is the first ledger line BELOW the Bass clef? (2 notes below the first line note)
What country does the Sitar originate from?
What is my favorite passion outside of music?
This female pop star got her start on the Mickey Mouse Club in the early 1990's