who preformed the classical conditioning experiment
Ivan Pavlov
Does not interfere with healthy functioning and pursuit of goals
Normal behavior
Irrational fear of spiders
An extremely low body weight and a fear of gaining weight
Having multiple personalities/alters
Overt Dissociate Identity Disorder (DID)
Who preformed the behaviorism on little baby Albert
John Watson
lacks emotions and empathy
Irrational fear of needles and/or injections
Compulsive thoughts/actions, is treatable
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (DID)
Eroded enamel, Halitosis, more present in woman but also present in men, normal or overweight
Bulimia (Nervosa)
Who came up with the theory of Id, Ego, Superego
Sigmund Freud
arranged from simpler feeling to those more complex
Affective Learning
Irrational fear of germs
obsession with fire
feeling of detachment from oneself, feels like the world around them isn't real
Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
Who came up with the Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert
Carl Jung
When you change things slightly in your head to help you remember
Irrational fears of snakes
An impulsive they can't resist to steal things they don't necessarily need or can't afford
Impaired awareness of actions, thought, physical sensations, Identity
Dissociative Disorders
Who is the father of modern psychology
Wilhelm Wundt
when neural fibers send neurons to down to create images in your prefrontal cortex
Mental Synthesis Theory
Irrational fear of puppies/dogs
When the person reacts to the situation in a way that is way out of proportions
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
Trouble recalling a traumatic event and can sometimes last months to years
Localized Dissociative Amnesia