How many legs does a lobster have?
On which beach are the diving towers located at in Kristiansand?
The Eiffel Tower is located where?
Paris, France
True or false. A pumpkin is a fruit
Most people think it is a vegetable, this is false.
John Lennon was one of four member of this famous band.
The Beatles
What is the population of Kristiansand? (+/- 10 000)
What is the smallest ocean in the world?
The Arctic Ocean
This popular butterfly leaves most parts of North America and migrates to warmer climates during the months of Autumn.
Monarch Butterfly
CEO Steve Jobs was known for running which company?
Which jellyfish has the most dangerous poison for humans?
box jellyfish
What is the name of Norway's largest mall?
The King James Bible refers to it as the "Salt Sea"
Dead Sea
Trick-or-treating is thought to have originated in what country?
a) Ireland
b) Mexico
c) America
a) Ireland
What is a group of Wolves called?
A pack
What is the common name for Orcinus Orca?
Killer Whale
What is the name of Kristiansand's mayor?
Jan Oddvar Skisland
This capital that shares its name with its country lies about 12 miles inland from Italy’s Adriatic coast
San Marino
What is the latin word that "Autumn" was derived from?
True or false? The national "animal" of Scotland is a Unicorn
Which type of spider has two large frontal eyes?
Jumping Spider
Who is the most-popular children's character: a captain who has his own amusement park inside the Kristiansand Zoo?
Captain Sabeltann
What are the 3 biggest states in America?
Alaska, Texas, California
Autumn/Fall was once called:
Name one of the two planets that literally rain diamonds?
King Julien from the Madagascar is what type of animal?
A Lemur
This island in Kristiansand is known for having been a quarantine station for cholera patients in 1804.
Which country in the world has the most islands?
The decrease of this chemical/pigment causes the leaves to lose their green color
What is the most common letter in the English alphabet?
Letter E