How can you convert a fraction into a percent?
Convert to decimal, move decimal to the right 2 places (multiply by 100), add percent sign
Solid, Liquid, and Gas
What is the purpose of schematic drawings.
To show the principle operation of a system to assist in troubleshooting
What is the "datum"
An imaginary vertical line/plane that is the reference point from which all horizontal measurements are taken
What style of drawing is primarily used in manuals/IPCs?
Exploded View drawings
How do you find the square of a number?
Multiply the number by itself (4 x 4 = 16)
A wheelbarrow is an example of what class of lever?
A second-class lever
What is meant by "clearance" when used on aircraft drawings?
An allowable dimension between two parts
Define the term "residual fuel"
Any fuel that remains in the tanks, lines, and engines, after the system has been drained
Where in the FARs will you find the certification requirements for mechanics?
FAR Part 65
What is the key step that must be performed in order to add or subtract unlike fractions?
You must find the lowest (least) common denominator
What are the factors that determine density altitude?
Temperature and atmospheric pressure
What information is contained in a "bill of materials"
A list of materials and parts needed to fabricate or assemble the component or system
What should be done to obtain a positive (plus) moment forward of the datum?
Remove weight
Under what circumstances is compliance with a manufacturer's service bulletin mandatory?
When the SB is incorporated into an AD
What is a common method of making computations involving very large or very small numbers more manageable?
Convert the numbers to scientific notation (1.63 x 10 to the 4th)
What is the customary units used to express hydraulic or pneumatic pressure in the U.S.
Pounds per square inch
How can you determine if a drawing has been changed?
A record of the changes is listed either in a revision block in ruled columns
How does the C.G. range of a helicopter compare to that of a fixed wing airplane?
Helicopters typically have a much smaller C.G. range
What is "grip length" of a bolt?
The length of the unthreaded portion of shank
What does the L in P L A N K stand for, and what is its units?
Length (Stroke) in feet (ft)
What are the principle effects that result from lowering the flaps while in flight?
Lift increases, Drag increases, and Stall speed decreases
What kinds of parts can be represented by one-view drawings?
Parts with uniform thickness such as shims, plates, and gaskets
Where are leveling instructions found?
In the TCDS
Resistance, Inductive Reactance, and Capacitive Reactance