It is the most common element in the human body... A: Carbon, B: Hydrogen, C: Oxygen, D: Calcium
What is C. Oxygen. It makes up almost 63% of the average human. Following, are major elements and the percentages of the human body that they represent: Oxygen- 62.81% Carbon- 19.37% Hydrogen- 9.31% Nitrogen- 5.14% Sulfur- 0.64% Phosphorus- 0.63% Other- 2.10%
These are the only two planets in our solar system without moons... A: Mercury & Venus, B: Venus & Mars, C: Uranus & Neptune, D: Neptune & Pluto
What is A: Mercury & Venus. As far as we know, Saturn has the most moons. Saturn has at least 25 satellites that measure at least 6 miles (10 kilometers) in diameter, and several smaller satellites. The largest of Saturn's satellites, Titan, has a diameter of about 3,200 miles (5,150 kilometers) -- larger than the planets Mercury and Pluto.
This type of matter has a definite volume but no definite shape... A: Solids, B: Liquids, C: Gases, D: Plasma
What is B: Liquids. Liquids have a definite volume but no definite shape. Because the intermolecular forces are weak in a liquid, it is able to change its shape to conform to its container.
This geologic formation may be found overhead if you are in a cave... A: stalactites B: stalagmites C: mightymites D: termites
What is A: stalactites. The ones growing downward are stalactites, the ones growing upward are stalagmites. Stalactites are formed by the deposition of calcium carbonate and other minerals, which is precipitated from mineralized water solutions.
This living animal has the heaviest brain... A: African Bush Elephant, B: Black Rhinoceros, C: Sperm Whale, D: Human
What is C. Sperm Whales. They have the heaviest brain of any living animal. The average Sperm Whale's brain weighs more than 20 pounds (9 kilograms) which is about 4 times heavier than the average human brain.
This year boasted the first woman in space... A: 1963, B: 1968, C: 1973, D: 1983
What is A. 1963. The first woman in space was Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova in Vostok 6 (U.S.S.R.).

What element on the periodic table has a symbol of Fe? A: Silver, B: Gold, C: Iron, D: Zinc

What is C: Iron. The symbol “Fe” was taken from the Latin word ferrum meaning “holy metal,” which was used to prepare the crusades in earlier days.

This type of water weighs the most... A: seawater B: distilled water C: tap water D: none - They all have the same weight.
What is A: sea water. It is loaded with mineral salts and weighs about a pound and a half more per cubic foot than fresh water at the same temperature.
Of the following, it has the longest recorded life span. A: Termite, B: Chimpanzee, C: Indian Elephant, D: Freshwater Oyster
What is the Freshwater Oyster (80 years.) The longest recorded life span for a termite is 50 years; for a chimapanzee, 50 years; and for an Indian elephant, 70 years.
The three main parts of a comet are the nucleus, the tail, and the _____. A: Zenith, B: Umbra, C: Radiant, D: Coma
What is D. Coma. The coma consists of gases and dust around the nucleus.
Matter that does not enter chemical reactions is described as this... A: Inhibited, B: Inert, C: Grounded, D: Radioactive
What is B: Inert. Inert matter does not enter chemical reactions.
This is the hardest naturally occurring substance... A: emerald B: tourmaline C: diamond D: corrundum
What is C: Diamond. Diamond is also one of the most valuable natural substances. Diamonds are crystals formed almost entirely of carbon. Because of its hardness, the diamond is the most enduring of all gemstones. They are among the most costly jewels in the world, partly because they are rare, Only four important diamond fields have been found - in Africa, South America, India, and the Soviet Union.
This was the first genetically engineered organism. A: Corn, B: Tobacco, C: Sheep, D: Rat
What is a B. tobacco plant. In 1983, a tobacco plant, designed to be resistant to certain herbicides, was grown in Wisconsin.
It is the term for the condition when three celestial bodies are arranged in a straight line... A: Occultation, B: Parallax, C: Syzygy, D: Triple Transit
What is C: Syzygy. Syzygy is the condition when three celestial bodies are arranged in a straight line--as, for example, when the Sun, Moon, and Earth are aligned during solar and lunar eclipses.
These substances control the rates of chemical reactions... A: Reactants, B: Catalysts, C: Isotopes, D: Cathodes
What is B: Catalysts. Catalysts are substances that control the rates of chemical reactions.
The largest hailstone recorded was closest to this object in diameter... A: basketball B: softball C: tennis ball D: golf ball
What is A: basketball. The largest hailstone ever recorded was 17.5 inches in diameter - bigger than a basketball.

This animal has the highest blood pressure... 

What is a Giraffe. Because of its extremely long neck, the giraffe must rely on its oversized heart (two feet long and twenty-five pounds!) to pump blood all the way to its head. As a result, the giraffe has the highest blood pressure of any animal: 280/180 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) at heart level when prone -- more than twice the blood pressure of an average human. Not surprisingly, because of their high blood pressure, giraffes are prone to heart attacks.


What is the hottest planet in the solar system?

What is Venus? Venus' thick atmosphere traps heat creating a greenhouse effect with surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead. The greenhouse effect makes Venus roughly 700°F hotter than it would be without a greenhouse effect. 


In America, we use Fahrenheit. In Australia and Europe, we use Celsius. What do scientists all over the world use?

What is Kelvin? Used by scientists because they wanted a temperature scale where zero reflects the complete absence of thermal energy. 


The first Earth Day was celebrated in this year...

What is 1970? 

The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970, and has been celebrated each year following on April 22nd. The original purpose of Earth Day was to inspire people to think and act more environmentally. Earth Day falls on or around the birthdays of several environmental spokespersons.