What was the first soft drink in space?
How many movies are there in the Harry Potter franchise?
Trivia Question: How many bones do sharks have?
Zero! Instead, they have powerful, flexible cartilage.
What is the main food source for pandas?
Trivia Question: What state is Mount Rushmore located in?
South Dakota
Which sport uses a net, a racket, and a birdie?
What months of the year have 28 days?
Trivia Question: Which country invented ice cream?
What do you call a movie that contains events that precede those of an existing movie(s)?
A prequel.
Trivia question: What is the biggest planet in our solar system?
Why are flamingos pink?
Because of their diet
What is the world’s tallest mountain?
Mount Everest, at 29,029 feet.
What is the most popular sport played in the world?
What does “www” stand for in a website browser?
World Wide Web
Trivia Question: What is the only edible food that never goes bad?
What is the original name of Mickey Mouse?
Mortimer Mouse
Trivia Question: What metal is the best conductor of electricity
Trivia Question: How many eyes does a bee have? 2,4,5,or 6
What is the capital of India?
New Dehli
Where will the 2024 Olympics be held?
What is the plural of sheep?
Bagels originated from this country
Trivia Question: What is the Golden man statue given to talented actors
An oscar
What part of the human body serves the purpose of maintaining balance?
The ears.
Trivia Question: What is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside?
Which country do cities of Perth, Adelade & Brisbane belong to?
In taekwondo, which belt is better - the blue or the green?
the blue
What is the name of the biggest technology company in South Korea?
What type of food is Pumpernickel?
If you watch the Marvel movies in chronological order, which movie would you watch first?
Captain America: The First Avenger
What is the least common state of matter?
Trivia Question: Botany is the scientific study of what?
Trivia Question: What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
During what season is a golf ball more likely to travel further?
The summer
What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released? (Hint: It was a Disney Movie)
Snow White
Trivia Question: What is the most consumed manufactured drink in the world?
In which country were the 'The Lord of the Rings' movies filmed?
New Zealand
Trivia Question: The first vaccine was for which disease?
Small Pox
Trivia Question: Which mammal has no vocal cords?
What is the largest and deepest ocean on Earth?
The Pacific Ocean
The country of Scotland has banned this sport.
Football and golf.
Trivia Question: What is the only metal that is a liquid at normal pressure?
This fruit floats because 25% of its volume is air.
Trivia Question: What was the first toy to be advertised on television?
Mr Potato Head
What is the only letter of the alphabet that doesn't appear on the Periodic Table?
What type of animal is a Flemish giant?
Where is the world's largest desert?
What type of race is the Tour de France?
Bike Race
Trivia Question: What country has the most vending machines per capita?