breed with lopped ears
(5 possible answers)
What is... Holland Lop, Mini Lop, French Lop, English Lop, or American Fuzzy Lop
What are... toenails
What is... Malocclusion
The most important nutrient for a rabbit
What is... water
This breed has two types of fur
What is... Lion head
These tiny little bugs are known for going on the fur and also in the ears
What are... mites
What makes up 80% of a rabbits diet
What is... timothy hay
This many breeds are recognized through ARBA
What is... 52 breeds
Rabbits have 24 of these
What are... teeth
This occurs due to poor cages and ends up making the hocks of the rabbit all bloody and sore
What is... Sore hocks
True or False: heat is better for a rabbit
The largest rabbit breed is called...
What is... the Flemish Giant
Rabbits have 28 of these
What are... Ribs
This makes the eyes appear white or cloudy
What is... wall or moon eye
What is... 1-2 months
The smallest breed of rabbit is called...
What is... Britina Petite
Rabbits have 3 layers of these
What are... eylashes
Your rabbit is sneezing and having cold-like symptoms is this disease
28-34 days is for the ______
What is... the gestation period of a doe