Barbie's signature color.
What is pink?
It's the largest mammal on earth.
What is the blue whale?
"Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!"
What is the Wizard of Oz?
Who is Simone Biles?
This "grand" Arizona attraction is larger than the entire state of Rhode Island by more than 600 sq miles!
What is the Grand Canyon?
Mix red and blue to make this royal color
What is purple?
This small reptile is best known for it's ability to change colors and blend into it's surroundings.
What is a chameleon?
"May the force be with you."
What is Star Wars?
What color are the goal posts in American football?
What is yellow?
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C.
What is the White House?
It's the color of the eggs and ham in this classic Dr. Seuss story.
What is green?
What is a shark?
"You're killing me, smalls!"
What is The Sand Lot?
This foot race is 26.2 miles
What is a marathon?
Carefully placed dynamite carved these iconic faces into the side of a mountain in South Dakota.
What is Mount Rushmore?
In American English, this lighter shade of black is spelled with an "A". But in British English, it's spelled with an "E".
What is gray/grey?
What is an orca?
"I'll be back..."
What is The Terminator?
In hockey, it's when a single player scores three goals in a single game.
What is a "hat trick?"
A leftover from the 1962 World's Fair, this vertical northwest landmark, has a revolving restaurant at the top of it's tower and was once the tallest building west of the Mississippi.
What is the Space Needle?
It's represented by this acronym "ROY G. BIV"
What is the rainbow or Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet?
This genetically mutated feline is known for it's unique shaped ears and is a favorite breed among celebrities such as Taylor Swift.
What is a Scottish Fold?
"No body puts Baby in a corner."
What is Dirty Dancing?
In what game is "love" a score?
What is tennis?
A gift from France, this statue was originally bronze before it oxidized in the weather and turned it's notable green color.
What is the Statue of Liberty?