How many syllables are in the word "creation"?
Whats the largest and deepest ocean in the world?
Pacific Ocean
Who was the 16th president of the United States?
Abraham Lincoln
What do you call a scientist who studies rocks?
A Geologist
How many inches are there in two yards?
72 inches
Who is the author of the 1960 novel about social and racial inequality, To Kill a Mockingbird?
Harper Lee
What river forms the border between Indiana and Kentucky?
Ohio River
Who was President of the United States before George W. Bush?
Bill Clinton
Which blood type is known as the universal recipient?
How many times does 7 divide into 49?
7 times
How many nouns are in the following sentence: "The rabbit ran to the cafeteria and ate a big salad"?
Three. The nouns are rabbit, cafeteria, and salad
What's the capital of Connecticut?
How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights?
What type of animal can live on both water and land?
How many sides does a quadrangle have?
Four sides
In the sentence, "Sally is a very good person" What part of speech is the word "very"?
Which continent is the least populated?
What revolutionary leader wrote the influential Common Sense in 1776?
Thomas Paine
What force pulls objects toward Earth's core and keeps humans from floating in the sky?
What whole number is closest to the square root of 65?
What is a hyperbole?
An exaggeration to show emphasis
What country has the longest border with the United States?
Since the late 1930's, what calendar date has been designated for the inauguration of the United States President?
January 20th
What was the name of the first satellite pulled into orbit by the United States?
If a car is traveling at 40 mph, how long will it take to go 190 miles?
4 hours and 45 minutes