Goals & Benefits
Documenting Generalization
Applying Generalization

Mom demonstrated this goal when she paused her conversation with the consultant and used Effective Praise after her 9-year-old daughter washed her hands by herself.

What is Able to use the skills without prompting?


During the last few weeks of services, this piece of documentation has nothing under the "Taught/Introduced" section.

What is Weekly CN/Casenote


The strategy that explains why caregivers should generalize a skill.

What are Reasons?


A benefit from learning how to generalize skills due to families not needing services in the future.

What are Lower Readmission Rates?


The selected stage on the implementation log that notes generalization as the focus of the visit.

What is Stage 3?


The strategy that gives parents ideas on how to generalize a certain skill. 

What is Give examples of future scenarios?

The goal that the training's demonstration modeled.

What is Using skills in a context families were not taught to use it in

Consultants document other behaviors that come up during services and progress toward changes in development here.
What is Final Progress Note?

The consultant's main objective while a parent is in the generalization stage.

What is monitoring the family's generalization and utilization of parenting/life skills


Mom demonstrated this goal when she felt unsure how to talk to her 7-year-old son about puberty when he enters middle school and reached out to her older brother for advice.

What is Anticipating a problem, then looking to a resource, support, or skill to solve it?


Scenarios where parents can use the skills they learned in the future are noted here.

What are Aftercare Recommendations?


During a visit in the library, Mom and FC observed her two children getting into an argument while playing Minecraft. She paused the conversation to redirect her children with Reasons but had to walk back over and use Corrective Teaching after the older sibling punched his brother in the arm. The older sibling then yelled at his mother for giving him a negative consequence, which led to Mom attempting to redirect her son away from the computer where he said he wanted to stay and calm down. Mom stopped her attempts after FC verbally prompted her to follow the steps of Teaching Self-control. What is the only parenting skill that was not being generalized?

Teaching Self-control.


Dad reported feeling this benefit from generalizing SODAS to help decide whether he should allow his daughter to have her phone back or not. 

What is Higher self-confidence and agency?


This provides consultants an outline of the skills that will be generalized toward the end of services.

What is Service Plan (objectives)?


This is a generalization strategy where the consultant and family member make and follow through with a plan to manipulate environmental factors to prompt an opportunity to apply a skill.

What is Contriving Opportunities?