Where are our agents able to find Marketing Materials?
UHC Agent Toolkit
Does the AARP Medicare Advantage from UHC VA-0004 (PPO) in zip code 23450 offer a free gym membership?
Yes - Renew Active
In Zip code 23450, with plan UHC Dual Complete VA-Q001 (HMO-POS D-SNP) - in John Joyce showing as a PCP? If so, what is the Provider ID?
Yes - 001398726002
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) is covered by what part of Medicare?
Part B
Which tool do we use to look up if a provider (Or Hospital/Facility) is In-Network for a plan?
Rally - Doctor Look up
How much OTC credit does the UHC Dual Complete VA-Y001 (HMO-POS D-SNP) offer in zip code 23450?
$382 monthly credit for OTC, food and utilities
Does Baptist Health Family Clinic Greers Ferry accept Dual plans for zip code 23450?
Low Income Subsidy is offered through __ and can be found in ____.
CMS/Medicare/Federal Gov.
Which system is the source of truth for all Contracting information (Agent Status, Licenses/Appointments, etc)?
In the zip code 23450 does the plan UHC Dual Complete VA-Y4 (PPO D-SNP) offer transportation?
Yes 24 one way trips to approved locations
Are there any Korean speaking PCPs within 20 miles of zipcode 23450 for plan UHC Complete Care VA-22 (HMO-POS C-SNP)?
Yes - 1
True or False: Medicaid will be the same in each state
What is the name of the system Agents are able to submit an application online?
In the zip code 23450, how much is the copayment for Ambulance services with plan AARP Medicare Advantage Access from UHC VA-20 (PPO) H2001-115-000?
In zip code 23450, Does Carolina Family Practice accept the UHC Dual Complete VA-Y4 (PPO D-SNP)?
Bonus Question: Does James Owen show in the Provider Directory?
Yes and yes
___ is the source of truth verifying Medicaid, but we are able to use ___ to help double check/assist.
RPA ; Jarvis
Are we able to help assist a contact to gain access/register another Agent's Jarvis Account?
In zip code 23450, Does the AARP Medicare Advantage Patriot No Rx VA-MA01 (PPO) have Comprehensive Dental included in the plan?
Bonus: Does the client have an option to add it if it is not an option?
The plan only has a $0 Copayment for Preventative Dental - they can add the dental Rider
In Zip code 23450, with UHC Dual Complete VA-Y4 (PPO D-SNP) - How many Sleep specialists are In-Network within 20 miles (Providers Not Facilities) ?
If a contact calls in to request to verify Medicare/Medicaid for another agent -
Will you pull up Jarvis or RPA up first?