What does pog/poggers/pogchamp mean?
A term from the website Twitch used to describe something exciting or cool, or as an exclamation of such.
When did The 1st Toy Story Movie come out
November 22nd 1995
What is the context/meaning of 💀 ?
Often used to express 'dying' laughing.
What does IRL mean?
In real life
This is trollface.
Who is this
A shortened version of suspicious, connected to a meme.
which superpower does Iron Man have?
his armor gives him strength flight and weapons
What is the context/meaning of XD ?
Used as a face one makes when laughing, where the X is two eyes closed and together, and the D is an open smiling mouth.
What does BRB mean?
Be right back
He Funny Frog
Who is Pepe?
who is the villain in Frozen?
Prince Hans
What is the context/meaning of :) ?
Meant as a simple smiling face on its side, often used when someone thinks something is great or someone is being kind.
What does LOL mean?
Laugh out loud
What if I put my Minecraft Bed next to your? Haha JK
Often used as a descriptor for something cute or interesting, even for things that aren't seen as cute by the general public.
who is Luke Skywalker's son?
Ben Skywalker
What is the context/meaning of :3 ?
A smiling face meant to mimic a cat smiling.
What does GG mean?
Good game (it's a gamer term)
This trash can
What Is Among Us?
What does ratio mean?
A ratio is when a comment or reply for something gets more likes/positive attention than the original post.
Who Directed Avatar?
James Cameron
What is the context/meaning of 👀 ?
Often used to express interest or excitement for something, as if looking intensely.
What does DM mean?
Dungeon Master or Direct Message
That is when Michel Morbius Says "it's morbin Time"
When is never?