Random Facts
Coaching + Motivation Strategies
Communication Strategies
Conflict Prevention
Cohort born between 1946 and 1964
Who are Baby Boomers
Provide coaching in peer-to-peer situations. Provide public recognition for a job well done and perks. Ex. Newsletter recognition; professional award nomination; employee parking space.
What is are strategies to for coaching and motivation for the baby boomer generation nurses
Hold structured team meetings, utilizing e-mails and chat rooms, social media. Collaborative decision making.
What are strategies for communication with millennial nurses.
This cohort should be valued for their understanding of technology and insights as to how it can be used in practice. They can be utilized to serve as technology coaches to older generations.
What is the millennial cohort.
Changes in life expectancy; retirement benefits plan changing; retaining older nurses to cope with nursing shortage
What are reasons for a multigenerational workforce
Provide formal instructions on how to improve their performance. Provide personal notes of recognition. Example: hand written notes, plaques, pictures with the Chief Nursing Officer or Chief Executive Officer
What are coaching and motivation strategies for the veteran generation nurses
Schedule face to face or telephone meetings. Utilize technology communication (emails), depending on comfort level. Provide feedback that is open, direct, and less formal. Hold staff meetings which provide opportunities for discussion.
What are strategies for communication with Baby Boomer nurses.
This cohort should be valued for their clinical and organizational experience. It is important to use them to coach and mentor younger nurses to ensure the intellectual capital or knowledge of organizations will not be lost when large numbers of this cohort begin to retire.
What is the Baby Boomer cohort.
Difference in attitudes, beliefs, and values between people of different generations, leading to a lack of understanding
What is Generation Gap
Provide advancement and recognition based on merit. Reward with paid time off or participation in cutting edge projects.
What are the coaching and motivation strategies for Generation X nurses
Utilize face -to-face or written communication; create communication systems that are inclusive and build trust.
What are strategies for communication with Veteran nurses.
This cohort should be valued for their innovative ideas and creative approaches to unit issues and problems. They can be instrumental in helping organizations design new approaches to nursing care delivery.
What is the Generation X cohort.
Cohort who are born between 1963 and 1980
Who are Generation X
Provide structure, guidance, and extensive orientation. Provide personal feedback, along with opportunities for self development. Provide flexible scheduling.
What are coaching and motivation strategies for millennial nurses.
Provide this cohort with bottom-line decisions, not too much discussion before decisions are made. Utilize technology for communication.
What are communication strategies for Generation X nurses.
This cohort should be valued for the wisdom and organizational history that they bring to nursing teams. When technology fails, this cohort can assist a unit to quickly shift back to the traditional ways of assessing and caring for patients.
What is the Veteran cohort.