Silent Generation
Baby Boomer
Generation X
Generation Z

This gas was manufactured in 1930 in large quantities for use in household appliances.

What is Freon?


The first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth on October 4, 1957.

What is Sputnik?

Size of computer chip IBM announced in 1983

What is 512K?


Dolly the sheep claim to fame.

What was being cloned?


Another name for the Higgs Boson particle, proposed in 1964 and was gloriously confirmed in 2012 to explain how particles get their mass.

What is the God Particle?


This artist from the 1940s was best known for his unique style and the following songs" Chattanooga Choo Choo and Little Brown Jug

Who is Glenn Miller


The leading figure of the newly popular sound of rock and roll in the mid-1950s.

Who is Elvis Presley?


After much speculation, George Costanza identified the full name of this character. 

Who is Cosmo Kramer


This fad toy name was a combination of 2 japanese words meaning egg and friend.

What is Tamagotchi?


These are the names of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's Children.

Who are North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm.


This book is an orwellian view of a future world.

What is 1984?


This book became the start of a trilogy of otherworldliness of dwarves, elves and orcs as the battle between good and evil in Middle Earth raged. It was turned into a movie series.

What is The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien?


This Author has a house in Bangor, Maine that has been described as an unofficial tourist attraction with its cobweb gate. Its appearance could be taken from one of his horror novels.

Who is Stephen King?


This book by Michael Crichton was the most successful science fiction novel for a decade that became a top grossing film with several sequels. If only we could clone all books.

What is Jurassic Park?


The first Potions Master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy.

Who is Professor Severus Snape?


The 20's were known as this because there was new prosperity, leisure time and fun.

What is the Roaring 20s


Author of Mastering the Art of French Cooking, which was a best seller for 5 years and had a cooking show premiere in 1962.

Who is Julia Child.


A luxury item that felt like you were sleeping on a boat. 

What are waterbeds?


The best selling Video Game Console of the 1990s

What is the Sony Playstation?

The 2 colors Heinz released their EZ Squirt Ketchup.

What are green and purple?


This political party was created after the labour movement ended that ws caused by striking workers.

What is the New Democratic Party (NDP)


The current Canadian Flag was first raised in which year?

What is 1965?


This is the year a referendum for Quebec'  Independence was held.

What is 1980?

On October 1995 a second Quebec referendum on sovereignty was held.  This was the Percentage of the vote opposed to separating.

What is 50.58%


This  territory was established in 1999 in Canada

What is Nunavut?