What Book of the Bible comes after Genesis?
What is the 2nd Commandment?
Do not have any idols.
Which day of Creation did God create birds and fish?
The 5th day.
What Book of the Bible tells about the Israelites being released from slavery in Egypt?
How did the Israelites get across the Red Sea?
God parted the sea so they could walk across on dry land.
What Books of the Bible comes before 1 and 2 Kings?
1 and 2 Samuel
How many Commandments are there?
What does Exodus mean?
How were the Israelites guided while wandering in the wilderness?
A pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day.
What Book of the Bible tells us about the Creation of the world?
What is the 6th Commandment?
Do not murder.
What 3 things did God create on the 4th day of Creation?
The Sun, Moon, and Stars.
How many plagues did God use against Egypt to force Pharaoh to let the Israelites go free?
Who led the Israelites when they were released from Egypt?
What Book of the Bible tells us about judges like Samson?
Why did God give us the 10 Commandments?
To show us our sin.
What day did God create man?
The 6th day
Name 3 of the plagues used against Egypt.
Turning water to blood, frogs, lice, gnats, livestock dies, skin sores/boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of 1st born.
Who led the Israelites after Moses died?
How many Books of the Bible are there?
How did God give Moses the 10 Commandments?
God wrote them with His finger on stone tablets on Mt Sinai.
What did God do on the 7th day of Creation?
Called everything very good and rested.
Why did Pharaoh finally decide to let the Israelites go free from Egypt?
The 10th plague killed his 1st born son.
What other body of water did God part for Joshua to enter the Promised Land?
The Jordan River