Who started the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Who is the leader of the Justice League?
In YouTube Rewind 2012, one of the Youtubers that made an appearance was a fruit. What is that Youtuber's name?
Annoying Orange
What is a title Harry Potter and Anakin Skywalker share?
The Chosen One
Which country did sushi originate from?
Who was the first person to take the Super Soldier Serum?
Captain America (Steve Rogers)
What is Superman's home planet?
Scott Sterling
In Dreamwork's "Shrek", who appeared to save Princess Fiona from Shrek in the woods?
Robin Hood
In the United States, what type of pie is the most popular?
Apple Pie
In WandaVision, who was the main villain that was working behind the scenes?
Agatha Harkness
What is Wonder Woman's real name?
Diana Prince
Various memes were created with this motivational speech that featured the actor, Shia LaBeouf. What is the meme called?
Just Do It
What was the name of the song in Frozen 2 that surpassed Frozen's "Let It Go"?
"Into the Unknown"
What is one of the top four countries that make chocolate.
United States, Switzerland, Germany, or Belgium
Over 1000 years old
Finish the sentence.
"What the hell are you?"
"I'm ____."
In the early years of YouTube, a dangerous trend involved a spoonful of powder that when consumed, the person will gag, cough, or even choke. What was this trend called?
Cinnamon Challenge
In "Forbidden Kingdom", Jet Li played which iconic figure in Chinese mythology?
Sun Wukong/The Monkey King
What is the #1 ingredient most people don't like on their pizza?
Who gave Nick Fury the idea of the Avengers Initiative?
Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
In Zack Snyder's Justice League, which hero saved everyone in the scene where the three cubes synced and proceeded to destroy Earth?
The Flash
Finish this sentence.
"Apple-Pen, Pineapple-Pen. Uh! _______."
Which franchise does this quote belong to?
"The name is Bond. James Bond."
Is tomato a fruit or a vegetable?