The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology was first described by this person.
Who is Francis Crick
This enzyme directs the transcription of DNA into RNA.
What is RNA polymerase.
Translation takes place on this organelle.
What is the ribosome.
The genetic code consists of a series of blocks of information known as:
What are codons.
Non-coding DNA that interrupts the sequence of the gene is called this.
What are introns.
The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology is stated briefly as this:
What is DNA>>RNA>>Protein.
This strand of DNA gets copied into RNA.
What is the template strand.
RNA cannot directly translate to a protein, so this adapter molecule has to exist to interact with both.
What is transfer RNA (tRNA).
These three codons, UAA, UGA, and UAG are reserved for a special function.
What are stop codons.
Coding sequences of DNA that are expressed are called this.
What are exons.
To get from DNA to the protein, the gene undergoes these processes.
What is transcription and translation.
This strand of DNA is not used as a template is called this.
What is the coding strand.
In Prokaryotes, this is coupled to translation.
What is transcription.
This codon signals the 'start' of the reading frame and also codes for the amino acid Methionine.
What is AUG.
Eukaryotic cells deal with noncoding introns by using this large complex of snRNO's to remove the introns.
What is the spliceosome.
This class of viruses can convert RNA genomes into a DNA copy.
What are retroviruses.
The template and coding strands are also known as the ___________ and ____________ strands
What are the sense and antisense strands.
Both transcription and translation can be broken down into these three processes.
What are initiation, elongation cycle, and termination.
Mutations that can alter the reading frame are known as this.
What are frameshift mutations.
This term describes all of the RNAs produced from a genome.
What is the transcriptome.
Retroviruses use this enzyme to convert RNA genomes into DNA.
What is reverse transcriptase.
The coding strand has the same sequence as the RNA transcript, except for this.
The U (uracil) in RNA is T (thymine) in DNA.
Translation cannot take place without this type of RNA attached to each amino acid with the correct anticodon.
What is a charged transfer RNA (tRNA).
All 61 codons are used in the genetic code, with some amino acids specified by more than one codon. This is referred to as a _______________code.
What is degenerate.
DNA is always synthesized in this direction.
What is 5' to 3'.