In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the earth.
What is Genesis 1 verse 1?
The number of days and nights it rained
What is 40 days and 40 nights?
Twice in Genesis, Abraham claimed that his wife Sarah was actually his ___.
What is Sister?
I deceive my father so I can receive the firstborn's right that belonged to this person
Who is Esau?
My master's wife hit on me, I said no and ran away, but I still ended up in prison for it.
Who is Joseph?
After becoming consumed with jealousy, I killed my brother, Abel, marking the first murder in history.
Who is Cain?
The monument that the people were building to be protected from a future flood
What is the Tower of Babel?
The test that God gave Abraham on the mountain
What is Sacrifice Isaac?
I, Jacob, was tricked into marrying this person after working for 7 years for her sister instead.
Who is Leah?
Joseph predicted this many years of prosperity for Egypt, followed by the same amount of years of famine.
What is 7?
The tree from which Adam and Eve were told not to eat.
What is the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil?
The sign of the covenant that God made with Noah promising that the earth will not be destroyed by the waters of a flood.
What is a rainbow?
The name of the two cities where Lot lives that were destroyed because of terrible sins
What is Sodom and Gomorrah?
Jacob wrestled with God at this place.
What is Peniel?
My father worked for 14 years to marry my mother, and her name is.
What is Rachel?
There are this many books in the Old Testament.
What is 39?
The number of pairs of clean animals that God told Noah to take into the ark
What is 7?
I am Sarah's servant who became the mother of Ishmael
Who is Hagar?
My name was changed from Jacob to this new one after I wrestled with God.
Who is Israel?
I was sold for this many pieces of silver.
What is 20?
The name of the son of Adam and Eve who was given to replace Abel
Who is Seth?
The ark settles on this mountain
What is Mount Ararat?
I requested that the angel of God spare Sodom and Gomorrah if He found this many righteous people there.
What is Ten?
This son of mine is a direct ancestor of Jesus.
Who is Judah?
My family settled in this city in Egypt.
What is Goshen?