The creator of heavens and earth in the beginning
Who is God
This day was blessed, declared holy, and the day God rested from all his work.
Seventh Day
The tree(s) in the midst of the garden
Tree of life
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
The jobs of Cain and Abel
Farmer and Shepherd
Noah's son
The phrase said after every account of creation
God saw that it was good
Creatures that were created out of the ground
Beast of the field
Mother of all living
What God told Cain about after he was angry that God did not accept his offering
Noah's Father
The order of one day
What is the evening passed and morning came.
The one who deceived Eve
The Serpent
Guarding the east of the Garden of Eden
The place where Cain went and dwelt after leaving the presence of the Lord
The land of Nod (east of Eden)
First creatures that were given the command to be fruitful and multiply
Sea Creatures and Birds
God breathed into his nostrils and took his rib
God did this to prevent Cain from being killed by others
God set a mark upon Cain and said to Cain that if any man killed him, God would reign vengeance on that person sevenfold.
The Age of Adam when Seth was born
130 years
Created in the image and likeness of God?
Human Beings
The four heads of the river that went out of Eden to water the garden
Because the Serpent deceived the woman, God said that there would be
Enmity between the serpent and the woman, and the serpent's seed (offspring/child(ren) and the woman's seed (offspring/child(ren)).
Cain's punishment
The two men that had children the earliest
Mahalaleel and Enoch