Who was Abraham's Uncle?
What are the names of Joseph's sons?
Manasseh and Ephraim
What is Sodom and Gomorrah presented as in Genesis 19?
They are presented as cities of evil
Where were the patriarchs buried?
The cave of Machpelah
How old is Sarah when she gives birth to Isaac
What did Lot's wife turn into
a pillar of sand
Lot had two sons with his two daughters, what were their names?
The older daughter gave birth to a son. She named him Moab. Moab is the ancestor of all the Moabites living today. The younger daughter also gave birth to a son. She named him Ben-Ammi. Ben-Ammi is the ancestor of all the Ammonites living today.
Both Jacob and Joseph were what after they died?
both bodies were embalmed in Egypt
What images were involved in Josephs two dreams in Genesis 37?
Sheaths of hay and the stars, moon, and sun
who goes with abraham to egypt
Sarah and Lot
Where did Jacob's "ladder" dream happen
What was the sign of the covenant God made with Abraham in Genesis 17?
Circumcision symbolized cleanliness before God and was also a symbolic reminder of the promises the Lord made to Abraham regarding his posterity.
Abraham and Ishmael were how old when they were circumcised?
Name the pairs of brothers or relatives who experienced conflict between each other?
Jacob and Esau
Joseph and his 10 brothers
Why did abraham and Lot seperate
There were too many possesions, and the land was not enough to share
Abraham was called out of which city in Babylon?
How many righteous people did God promise Sodom and Gomorrah He would not to destroy if he found them there?
God first agrees to spare the cities if 50 righteous people can be found and eventually agrees to spare them if 10 righteous people can be found
What city did Simeon and Levi kill all the male inhabitants of?
Reuben's actions in Genesis 35 were similar to which person in Genesis 1-11?
What is the relationship between Abraham and lot
lot is abrahams nephew
In Matthew 1 who is the one patriarchal woman mentioned in Jesus' genealogy?
Sarai (wife of Abraham)
Who is the priest-king that Abram meets after rescuing Lot at the city of Shalem?
Order of male patriarchs as they appear in Genesis?
Adam, Seth, Enosh, Cain, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, Shem, Arphaxad, Salah, Eber, Peleg, Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
What chapter in Genesis the Abrahamic covenant found?
Chapter 12
What does Isaac mean?
What is Jesus called?
The Lion of the tribe of Judah
The genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1 begins with what person?
Order of patriarchal women in Genesis?
Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, Rachel
How old was abraham when God first spoke the covenant to him?
75 years old
Who did Jacob wrestle with?
an angel
What does the Hebrew phrase Hineni mean
Here I am
What theme is communicated by the patriarchal narrative beginning in Babylon and ending in Egypt?
not sure
The two twin pairs born in Genesis are whom?
Jacob and Esau
Why does abraham go to egypt?
there was a famine in the land
What was jacob's name changed to?
What does the name Israel mean?
Hebrew. Meaning 'God Contended', 'Wrestles with God', 'Triumphant with God'
What mountain is introduced with Abraham that will reverse the effects of Mt. Hermon in Genesis 1-11?
The patriarchal narrative begins and ends with going where because of what?
Abram goes to Canaan because God commanded him to do so
Who is Ishmael's mother?
What does Israel mean?
One who prevails with God
What was Abrams wife's name?
God promised Abraham that his offspring shall be like the what in Genesis 15?
As numerous as the stars in the sky
Egypt, Sodom, and Gomorrah were descendants of whom?
Match the sons of Jacob to the mothers they were born to?
Leah: Zebulun, Issachar, Simeon, Levi, Reuben, Judah
Zilpah: Gad, Asher
Hapthah: Dan, Naphtali
Rachel: Benjamin, Joseph
Who was Jacob's favorite son?