Who was born in 1593 B.C.E and is known as a leader, prophet, Judge, Historian, and Mediator?
What was done on the last day of creation? And what was the last day?
God created land animals and humans
What Scripture Says: “Let Us Make Man in Our Image”/“Na Tufanye Mtu kwa Mfano Wetu”
Genesis 1:26
What act of judgment happened that brought destruction to all living things that were out and about on the earth?
The Great Flood
Vindication of Jehovah's right to rule and the fulfillment of his purpose for mankind and the earth by means of his kingdom in the hands of a future offspring. (Bonus 100: What scripture first indicated of this offspring? Genesis?[Read the scripture4])
Who does Jehovah as Abraham to sacrifice?
What was done on the 4th day of creation?
God made the sun, moon, and stars visible as distinct luminaries from the earth’s surface.[Bonus 50 for citing the scripture]
Genesis 7:11 Speaks of?
The floodgates of the heavens were opening. [Bonus 100 for listing: The year, month. And the day of Noah’s life on which this event took place]
What happened after the Flood that went against Jehovah's Purpose for humans regarding filling the earth? Who led it? What Was the results?
The beginning of the construction of the Tower of Babel, led by Nimrod. Jehovah confused their languages, halting the construction and leading to the dispersion of peoples across the land.
What are the first five books of the Bible called?
The Pentateuch
Who died in 1567 BCE?
What was done on the 3rd day of creation?
God made dry land appear. He also created the vegetation.[Bonus 50 for citing scripture]
Before Jehovah destroyed Sodom, Lot fled to the city of what? What scripture indicates this? (50 for naming the city)
Genesis:19:23,24- The city of Zoar
What is the core or central event of the 12th chapter of Genesis?
Jehovah tells Abram to enter the land of which he [Abram] will become a great nation. (For a bonus of 150 PTS, what year did Abram cross the Euphrates? And what day does it align with?)[Read and See your source 1:30 seconds to do so]
How many chapters are in the Book of Genesis?
Who do the 11th - 25th books of the Bible focus on?
What was done on the 2nd day of creation?
God formed an expanse, or a division between water on earth’s surface and water high above its surface.[Bonus 50 for citing scripture]
What Key events happen in Genesis 37:19-28??
Joseph is thrown into a bit and then later sold to Egypt as a slave.
What happens to Jecob that prompts them to leave Canaan, who does he meet, the figures that stick with him, and what happens when he returns to Canaan?
After being blessed by Isaac, he was forced to flee due to his brother Esau. Rachel and Leah.
After his return :
His name was changed to Israel, and Jacob's 12th son was born.[bonus 50 for stating his name and list and an extra 10 for listing his son's names in order{10 for each son)]
Aside from the First 5 Bible books, what others did Moses write?
Psalm 90 and 91, The book Job.
What characters do the 24th - 50th chapters Primarily focus on?
Isaac, Esau, Jacob, and Joseph
What day do Isaiah 45:7 and 2 Corinthians 4:6 reference to?
Day 1
What is the range of Scriptures in which these event occurs?
Genesis 29:29-35
What began with the words of Jacob saying: “The scepter will not turn aside from Judah, neither the commander’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to him the obedience of the peoples will belong.”-(Ge 49:10)
And until when?
Bonus 100 for what scripture Jehovah indicated to the last Judean king, Zedekiah, that rulership would be given to one having the legal right.
Beginning with the rule of the Judean David. Power to command and regal sovereignty were the possessions of the tribe of Judah.
This was to continue until the coming of Shiloh[Jesus], in which the royal line of Judah would terminate in Shiloh as the permanent heir.
Bonus 200 for: What scripture says that Jehovah indicated to the last Judean king, Zedekiah, that rulership would be given to one having the legal right?
Where and When was the Book of Genesis Completed?
Wilderness of Sinai, 1853 BCE