
This river in Egypt was where Moses was placed in a basket by his mother to escape Pharaoh's decree.

What is the Nile river

Exodus 2:3


In Genesis, this son of Jacob was sold into slavery by his brothers and eventually became a high-ranking official in Egypt.

Who is Joseph

Genesis 41:41-43


According to Genesis, this patriarch received a blessing from God promising numerous descendants and a land inheritance.

Who is Abraham

Genesis 12:1-3


According to Genesis, this story where humanity's attempt to build a tower to heaven leads to the confusion of languages.

What is the story of the Tower of Babel

Genesis 11:1-9


This descendant of Abraham through Isaac became the father of twelve sons, who became the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel.

Who is Jacob (Israel)

Genesis 35:22-26


According to Exodus, this was the name of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God.

What is Mt Sinai

Exodus 19:20


This person was Moses' older brother and served as his spokesperson before Pharaoh during the Israelites' exodus from Egypt.

Who is Aaron

Exodus 7:1


This grandson of Abraham received a blessing from his father Isaac, which included of prosperity and dominion over others. 

Who is Jacob (Israel)

Genesis 27:27-29


What miraculous event did God perform to help the Israelites escape from Egypt?

What is the parting of the Red Sea

Exodus 14:21


According to Genesis, descendant of Jacob and Leah became the father of the tribe known for their priestly role.

Who is Levi

Genesis 29:34


In Genesis, this place is where Jacob wrestled with God and was renamed Israel.

What is Peniel

Genesis 32:30


This individual was Moses' father-in-law and gave him wise counsel on governing the Israelites.

Who is Jethro (Reuel)

 Exodus 18:1


This son received a blessing from his father that he would serve his younger brother.

Who is Esau

Genesis 27:38-40


This biblical narrative involves a young man sold into slavery by his brothers. Name this famous story

What is the story of Joseph

Genesis 37:28


According to Genesis, this descendant of Jacob and Rachel became the father of two tribes.

Who is Joseph

Genesis 41:50-52


God tested Abraham's faith by instructing him to sacrifice his son on a mountain in this region.

What is Mount Moriah

Genesis 22:2


This non-Israelite woman became Moses' wife after he fled from Egypt and settled in Midian.

Who is Zipporah

Exodus 2:21


This priest and king of Salem blessed Abraham and received a tithe from him.

Who is Melchizedek 

Genesis 14:18-20


This dramatic story, the Israelites, impatient for Moses’ return from Mount Sinai, crafting an idol out of their jewelry. What story is it?

What is the golden calf

Exodus 32


This descendant of Adam is known for living the longest lifespan recorded in the Bible.

Who is Methuselah

Genesis 5:27


According to Genesis, this city was where Lot and his daughters sought refuge after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

What is Zoar

Genesis 19:30


This character, known for his wisdom and role in overseeing the construction of the tabernacle, was filled with the Spirit of God for this purpose.

Who is Bezalel

Exodus 31:1-5


This son received a blessing from his father that his descendants would become a great nation and kings would come from his lineage. 

Who is Judah 

Genesis 49:8-12


This story marks the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, including the institution of a significant annual ritual. What is this story?

What is the Passover 

Exodus 12


This descendant of Cain is mentioned in the genealogy in Genesis 4, known for his musical skills.

Who is Jubal 

Genesis 4:21