How many days did creation take to complete?
Six Days - on the Seventh God Rested!!!!
What did God do on the seventh day?
He blessed the seventh day and made it holy.
Where do you find the first Covenant (Agreement)?
Genesis Chapter 3 verse 15 (punish the serpent, demon)
How many books are in the Bible?
73 books -
27 New Testament
46 Old Testament
What does testament mean?
Covenant - agreement between God and one or many persons
Was there anything before God finished his creation?
Nothing, darkness, a formless wasteland
Explanation BigBang
What did God use to create man?
How do you find information in the Bible?
Book, chapter and verse
Who is the author of the Bible?
God; Words of the Bible are inspired by God and tell His plan for mankind
What are the first four books of the New Testament?
The Gospels - Meaning good news and tell of the life of Jesus
Who was supposed to have dominion over fish, birds, and all living things?
Man - Adam
What did God call the tree of fruit in the middle of the garden?
Tree of Life
What is the purpose of the covenant?
God in his infinite love, makes a way for people to come back to Him
Why do we study the Bible?
To learn God's plan of our salvation.
Are the Bible books organized in chronological order?
After God created everything, How did He feel?
God Look at everything he had made, and He found it very good.
What did God call the garden?
Garden of Eden
Why did God became man?
To free humanity from sin
Who helps us understand the Bible?
The Holy Spirit, Catechism of the Catholic Church, also inspired by the Bible
What is Salvation history?
God's wonderful plan to give us a share of his own blessed life
What did God create on the third day?
Water and Dry Land
What was the name of the four rivers that fed the Garden of Eden?
1) Pishon 2) Gihon 3) Tigris 4) Euphrates
What are the fourteen narrative books in the Bible?
a narrative into twelve time period that group the events of salvation history into "Chapters"
What are the two main sections of the Bible?
Old and New Testament
what is sin?
When we chose to disobey God.