Genesis Ch 1 - The Beginning
Genesis Ch 2 - Adam and Eve
Genesis Ch 3 - The Fall
Genesis Ch 4 - Cain and Abel
Genesis Ch 6 - Noah's Ark

What hovered over the waters on the first day of creation?

The Spirit of God


What did God do on the 7th day? 

He rested from all his work and blessed the seventh day, and made it holy. 

Which animal was the craftiest of all of God's creation?

The serpent

Brothers Cain and Abel both have different jobs. What were they?

Abel took care of Animals (Shepherd)


Cain worked the soil (Farmer)


What was the amount of years God said humans would live up to because of their sin?

120 Years


On the fourth day, God made two "great lights". What were those lights and what were/is its purpose?

The Great Light - Sun - to govern the day.

The Lesser Light - Moon - to govern the night. 


God formed man, Adam, from what?

The dust of the earth


What was the serpent's method for getting Adam and Eve to eat the fruit?

Lying about what God had commanded.


Why did Cain kill his brother Abel?

He was jealous that God accepted his brother's offering and not his. 


Who found favor in the Lord's eye despite humanities sin?

Noah and his Family


At the end of every day of creation, the author mentions something that God always did at the end of the day. What was it? 

"And God said that It Was Good."


In the middle of the garden of eden were two trees. What were the names of those trees?

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil

and the tree of life.


What two things happened the moment that Eve at the fruit?

Her eyes were opened and she realized that she was naked. 


What was God's punishment for Cain for his sin?

He would work the ground but it would not produce any crop and he would be a restless wanderer.


God commanded Noah to make an Ark out of what?

Cypress Wood


God made what in his image?

Man and Woman


God formed the animals of the earth and the birds of the sky from what?

From the ground

What did Adam and Eve when they heard God walking in the garden and why did they do that?

They hid among the trees of the garden because they were afraid because they were naked. 


Cain worried others would see him and kill him as he wandered. What did God do to make sure this didnt happen? 

God put a mark on Cain


What was Noah commanded to bring insidee the Ark besides his family?

Two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive


God gave what both to mankind and to animals to eat from the earth?



God made Eve from what?

From the Rib of Adam


God banished Adam and Eve from the garden and placed what there to keep them out?

A cherubim and a flaming sword that flashed back and forth. 


What was Cain's offering to the Lord and what was Abel's offering to the Lord? 

Cain brought SOME of the fruits of the soil


Abel brought the fat portions from the firstborn of his flock.


What would be God's punishment for the sin of humanity?

He would flood the whole earth and kill all living creatures and all of humanity except Noah and his family.