On which day did God create the stars?
The fourth day (Genesis 1:16-19)
What was the name of Adam and Eve’s third son, given after Abel’s death?
Seth (Genesis 4:25)
What did God promise to never do again after the flood?
Destroy the earth with a flood (Genesis 9:11)
How long did the rain fall during the flood?
40 days and 40 nights (Genesis 7:12)
What did God ask Abram to leave behind when calling him to a new land?
His country, his family, and his father’s house (Genesis 12:1)
What phrase did God repeatedly use to describe His creation?
“It was good” (Genesis 1:10, 12, 18, 21, 25)
Who was the first man in the Bible to be described as a “mighty hunter before the LORD”?
Nimrod (Genesis 10:9) *Daily Double*
What did God say would be as numerous as the stars in the sky?
Abraham’s descendants (Genesis 15:5) *Daily Double*
How old was Noah when the flood began?
600 years old (Genesis 7:6)
Why did Abram and Lot separate?
Their herdsmen quarreled because the land could not support both of their possessions and flocks (Genesis 13:6-7)
What responsibility did God give humans over creation?
To have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every living thing (Genesis 1:28)
What was the sign of the covenant that God made with Abraham?
Circumcision (Genesis 17:10-11)
What was the land that God promised to give to Abram and his descendants?
Canaan (Genesis 12:7)
How many people were saved on the ark?
Eight—Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their wives (Genesis 7:13)
What was Abram’s response when God promised him a son, despite his old age?
He believed the LORD, and it was credited to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6)
What was the name of the river that flowed out of Eden and divided into four rivers?
The river of Eden (Genesis 2:10-14) *Daily Double*
Who was the king of Salem who blessed Abram after his victory in battle?
Melchizedek (Genesis 14:18-20)
In God’s covenant with Abraham, what animal parts were split in half as part of the ceremony?
A heifer, a goat, a ram, a turtledove, and a pigeon (Genesis 15:9-10)
What were the dimensions of the ark in cubits?
300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, 30 cubits high (Genesis 6:15) *Daily Double*
What did Lot’s wife do that caused her to become a pillar of salt?
She looked back at the city of Sodom as it was being destroyed (Genesis 19:26)
What two substances are mentioned as part of the earth’s environment before rain ever fell?
A mist that rose from the earth and watered the ground (Genesis 2:5-6)
Who was the father of Lot, and how was Lot related to Abram?
Haran was Lot’s father, and Lot was Abram’s nephew (Genesis 11:27)
What did God promise Abraham concerning his descendants after 400 years of slavery?
They would come out of bondage with great possessions and return to the promised land (Genesis 15:13-14)
What were the first two birds Noah sent out after the rain stopped, and what did they do?
A raven, which flew back and forth, and a dove, which returned because it found no place to rest (Genesis 8:6-9)
What was Abraham’s response when God told him to sacrifice Isaac?
He obeyed and prepared to sacrifice Isaac, trusting God to provide (Genesis 22:1-14) *Daily Double*