Rebellion against God
Cain & Abel
The Flood

How long did God take to complete the creation?

6 days (24 hrs each)


How did Adam and Eve disobey God?

They ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Which God told them not to.


What jobs did Cain and Abel have? (Gen 4:2)

Abel was a keeper of sheep (shepherd), and Cain was a worker of the ground(Farmer).


When God looked at man on the earth, what did He see? (Gen 6:5)

“The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth”. 

Sinfulness everywhere.


Where did God come from? Who created God?

God existed from the beginning, no one created God.


What existed “in the beginning”?

God Existed


How did the serpent lie to Eve?

He twists God’s word and makes it sound like God was lying about the fruit. That God was hiding things from her. That she could be like God if she ate the fruit.


What was Cain’s reaction when he found out that the Lord did not respect his offering?

The end of Gen 4:5 says that Cain became very angry, and his face fell.


Why did God choose to spare Noah and his family?

He wasn’t perfect, but Noah was a righteous man who walked with God.


Give an example of how we see the power of God in the creation account?

During creation, God simply speaks and it shows up. He says “let there be…” and things come to be.


How was man different from anything else that God created?

Only man was created in the image of God.


What did Adam and Eve do after they sinned against God?

They covered themselves with leaves in shame, and hid from God.


What did God say to Cain after seeing his reaction to the rejection of his offering?

God told Cain that if he did well, he would be accepted. God also told Cain that if he did not do well, he would not be accepted. God was warning Cain to not give in to temptation and sin


How did God react and what did he decide to do when he saw the people of the Earth in Genesis 6?

God was sad due to their sinful actions. Because of the wickedness of man, God decided to judge them. And not only was He going to judge man, but everything that lived on the land—the animals, the creeping things, and the birds of the sky was going to be destroyed, too.


What does it mean when we say God is holy?

God is set apart. He is perfect, no trace of evil. Sinless perfection.


Name at least one thing God did on each of the days of creation.

Day one: created the heavens and the earth; created light.

Day two: created the sky. 

Day three: separated the waters and caused dry land to appear; created the vegetation, plants, and fruit trees.

Day four: created lights in the expanse/sky (sun, moon, stars). 

Day five: created living creatures in the waters; created birds; created sea monsters; created every living thing that moves in the water and in the air. 

Day six: created cattle; created creeping things; created beasts of the earth; created man.


Whom did Adam and Eve blame for their sin? Who was really at fault?

Adam blamed the woman and God, who had given him the woman. Eve blamed the serpent. Neither of them blamed himself, although each one was at fault.


How do we know that after his rejection of the offering to God, Cain didn’t listen to  God’s warning to not give in to temptation and sin?

Cain murdered his brother. God was right when He warned Cain. But Cain refused to listen to God. Instead, he let his anger control him, and he killed Abel.


How did God care for Noah, his family and all the animals in the ark?

How does Noah respond to God’s care?

He saved them from the judgment for sin. Through the dove, he lets them know that everything is safe and sound.

Noah responds with thankfulness and offers up a sacrifice to God. 


Give one example of how we can see God’s grace and mercy when Adam and Eve sinned.

He did not kill the man and woman immediately after they sinned. He promises that Satan will be defeated. 

He provides clothing for them, protection. 


 What is our purpose as God’s creation? How are we supposed to live?

As image bearers of God, our goal and purpose is to reflect God with everything that we are. When people look at our lives, they should see God.


Name at least two punishments man and woman received due to their sin.

She would have pain during childbirth; 

she would try to rule over her husband; her

husband would rule over her.

The ground would be cursed because of him; thorns and thistles would grow;

He would have to work very hard to grow food to eat.


How does Cain respond when God asks him about Abel?

Cain continues in his sin when he is caught by hiding/being rude to God and continuing to lie. 

Bonus Question!

How are we just like Cain in our daily lives? Give one example where you were like Cain in his response to God asking him about Abel.


What promise does God make to Noah after he makes a sacrifice to God? What is the sign of the promise that he makes?

He will never end the world with a flood. He makes a rainbow to signify the covenant that he makes with Noah.


Give one example of how God keeps his promises to us.

He sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sin, to conquer sin and death and offer salvation to us. Etc.

He is with us, he will strengthen and help us (Isaiah 41:10) 

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28-29)