Having ends not symmetrical after digestion
What are sticky ends?
Consisting of approximately 25,000 of these per human cell
What is a gene?
Found on mRNA this initiates translation by recruiting a ribozyme
What is the Ribosome Binding Site?
The intermediate messenger
What is mRNA?
The quantification of DNA size by distance traveled
What is Gel Electrophoresis?
Necessary plasmid component for selection of genetically modified bacteria
What is antibiotic resistance?
Referring to the alignment of DNA as 5 to 3 and 3 to 5
What is Anti-Parallele?
Translation requires this terminating component to let go of nascent polypeptides
What is a Release Factor?
Located at -10 in prokaryotes, this is helps to recruit RNA polymerase
What is a TATA box?
An oligonucleotide that hybridizes with a template
What is a primer?
This process in which the DNA fragment is attached to a plasmid
What is ligation?
A protein that is unpaired and locks in the DNA into its compacted form.
What is linker histone?
A purine rich nucleic acid in association with the ribosome
What is rRNA?
The holoenzyme requires the core and this to be complete
What is the sigma factor?
The creation of a DNA molecule originating from multiple organisms
What is a recombinant plasmid?
Making bacteria uptake recombinant plasmids
What is transformation?
Containing pairs of histones, they are closely associated with DNA
What are nucleosomes?
The true translator of codons
What is amino-acyl synthase?
A distal region from the promoter used in recruiting the RNA polymerase
What is an Enhancer?
To clone RNA, you must first make this
What is cDNA?
A reference material detailing the array of genes post RNA processing.
What is a cDNA library?
A complex of consisting of 1/3 DNA, 1/3 Histones & 1/3 Other proteins
What is Chromatin?
The version of this adaptor equipped with an amino acid
What is a charged tRNA?
An enzyme necessary to clone RNA
What is reverse transcriptase?
To make many copies from a template, doubling every cycle, these temperatures must be used
What is 95, 55, 70?