A(denine) binds with
A liger is an example of
Mating 2 organisms to get desired traits
Selective Breeding
Where does DNA need to be extracted from in a cell?
This technique is called
Gel Electrophoresis/ DNA Fingerprinting
Technique used to copy DNA
ATTGCC, complimentary side of DNA
The sequence of your Nitrogen bases that are unique to you are called your
DNA fingerprint
What process involves somatic cell nuclear transfer to create identical organisms?
What "little scissors" are used to cut DNA into fragments?
Restriction Enzymes
The DNA travels because.... (not size)
It is attracted to + charge.
Function of a Gene?
Holds the code to make a protein
Building Blocks of DNA/RNA
Ultimate source of genetic variation
Type of organism that gets a gene inserted into its genome from another organism
Transgenic organism
How does the DNA pattern form?
The smallest pieces travel the fastest.
This technique can separate DNA fragments by size
Gel Electrophoresis
All genes in an organism are called its
During cell transformation,
a cell is changed by adding new genes
Unspecialized cells
Stem cells
Circular ring of DNA in a bacteria
The most ambitious research project made to analyze and sequence the genes in a human.
Human Genome Project
Who is Dolly?
She was 1st mammal cloned from adult cell
What makes every individual's DNA unique?
Sequence of Nitrogen bases
Removing an unhealthy gene to replace it with a healthy gene is called
Gene therapy
Why are GMO's considered bioethical?
The long term effects are unknown/some believe it is wrong
Recombinant DNA
Explain why your RBCs and Brain cells look and act different even though they have same DNA?
Different genes are turned on and off (expressed)
Name of the technology used to edit genes