Monera and Protists
Animals and Evolution

What is the difference between Eubacteria and Archaebacteria

Eubacteria- found everywhere 

Archaebacteria- live in extreme environments


Where do fungi often live?

Moist environments


Are plants autotrophs or heterotrophs? Explain what this means

Plants are autotrophs meaning they create their own energy using the sun in a process called photosynthesis


What are two main groups of animals?

- Vertebrate

- Invertebrate


What does survival of the fittest mean

Survival of the fittest: refers to animals who are best able to survive in their environment


What are the 3 main shapes of Monera?

  1. Cocci (spheres)

  2. Bacilli (rods)

  3. Spirilla (spirals)


Name two positive and two negative types of fungi

  • Positive: yeast, penicillium

  • Negative: Athlete’s foot, mold, mildew


What are the 5 main parts of plants (be able to draw and label)

What is the main job of leaves?

  1. Flower

  2. Roots 

  3. Stem 

  4.  Leaves 

  5. Seeds 

The main job of leaves is to make food for the plants through photosynthesis. This is where the chloroplasts which have a chemical called chlorophyll in them and they trap the energy from the sun 


What are 5 types of vertebrates

  1. Fish (cold blooded, live in water)

    1. (shark, salmon,tuna, jackfish)

  2. Amphibians(cold blooded, begin in water and develop lungs for land)

    1. (toads, frogs, salamanders)

  3. Reptiles (cold blooded, scales, hard shelled eggs)  

    1. (crocs, alligator, snake, turtle)

  4. Birds (warm blooded, wings/feathers, hard shelled eggs)

    1. (blue jay, robin, swallow, duck)

  5. Mammals (warm blooded, hair or fur, nurse their young, live births)

    1. Humans, donkey, horse, cow, bats


What is evolution

The process that involves organisms changing over time and  can sometimes split into new species

The theory of evolution explains why animals and plants are so good at surviving in their environments


What are 3 ways  “animal-like” protists can move?

  1. Cilia

    1. Little hairs around exterior that move it 

  2. Flagellum

    1. Whiplike tail that pushes it forward 

  3. Pseudopods

    1. Movements of cell membrane creating an arm to drag it


How do fungi reproduce?

Reproduce through spores

  1. What are 2 kinds of roots and some examples of each (be able to draw)

2 types of roots: 

  1. Fibrous roots (grass)

  2. Tap root (carrot)


What are the 4 main types of invertebrates and know some examples of each

  1. Molluscs (soft body with hard outer shell)

    1. Snail, oyster, claims, squids, octopus

  2. Sponges (large pores that live in water, headless and nerveless, Simplest invertebrates)

    1. No specific names- live mostly in ocean

  3. Worms (segmented or flat)

    1. Segmented-earthworm, flat-tapeworm

  4. Anthropods (jointed legs, segmented bodies, hard outer shell)

    1. Myriapods such as centipedes and millipedes, arachnids like spiders, insects, crustaceans like crabs and lobster


What is an adaptation?

A process that occurs through evolution and makes living things become suited to surviving in a particular environment


What are three types of Protists? and describe each

  1. Animal-like 

    1. Called protozoa

    2. Heterotrophs 

  2. Plant-like 

    1. Autotrophs - create own food through sun energy

  3. Fungi-like

    1. Attack crops 

    2. heterotrophs


Are fungi:

- Unicellular or Multicellular or Both

- Eukaryotic or Prokaryotic

-Heterotroph or Autotroph

  • Unicellular or multicelluar 

  • Eukaryotic (has a nucleus)

  • Heterotroph 

  1. What are 3 ways seeds can get dispersed? Give an example of each

3 ways seeds can be dispersed: 

  1. Wind (maple seeds, milkweed)

  2. Mammals (burs, hickory nut, acorn)

  3. Water (coconut)


Who is Charles Darwin and what did he create

Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution and the idea of natural selection


What are two types of adaptations (and some examples of each)

  • Structural: Physical features that help an animal or plant survive 

    • Fur colour 

    • Webbed feet 

    • A giraffes long neck

  • Behavioural 

    • Migration 

    • hibernation


What are two ways Eubacteria can be classified based on how they survive? Understand what these words mean

How does Archaebacteria get energy?


  1. aerobic: requires oxygen to survive

  2. Anaerobic: does not require oxygen to survive 


    1. Autotroph: create own energy or food 

    2. Heterotroph: must eat others to gain energy


  1. Chemosynthetic: produce energy from chemicals 


What is pencillium and why is it famous?

  • A mold that is used to fight/kill bacteria in diseases

  • It is used in medicines 

  • Created by Alexander Fleming 


What are the two ways plants can be categorized? Describe the differences

  1. Nonvascular 

    1. Do not contain leaves or roots 

    2. Absorb water as it passes through it cells into the plant body

  2. Vascular 

    1. Uses roots and tube-like structures to move water throughout the plant 

    2. Has leaves, roots, and stems 

    3. Ex. Celery


How is genetic variation linked to evolution

  • If all the individuals of a species had the same genes, evolution would not exist. 

  • No changes could happen over time as everyone would look the same 

  • Evolution relies on genetic variation as individuals of a species with favourable characteristics are more likely to reproduce 

  • Over time, a species in a certain environment changes due to the challenges they face 


What is hybridization

  • The process by which two differnet species come together and reproduce to create a hybrid offspring 

  • This can happen naturally when animals of different species mate