Made a crucial contribution to the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA
Who is Rosalind Franklin?
Process by which DNA directs the synthesis of proteins
What is Gene expression?
Each of the two daughter molecules will have one strand from the parental molecule & one newly made strand
What is semiconservative model?
The initial nucleotide chain that is produced during DNA synthesis is a short stretch of RNA
What is a primer?
The two strands of DNA in a double helix are...
What is antiparallel?
Performed experiments showing that DNA is the genetic material of bacteriophage T2
Who are Hershey & Chase?
Change in genotype & phenotype due to the assimilation of external DNA by a cell
What is transformation?
The two parental strands somehow come back together after the replication process
What is Conservative model?
synthesizes the primer
What is primase?
Can be synthesized continuously in the 5’ → 3’ direction; only one primer is needed for synthesis
What is the Leading strand
Carried out experiments on bread mold (Neurospora) to support one gene-one enzyme hypothesis
Who are Beadle & Tatum?
Genetic instructions for a polypeptide chain are written in the DNA as a series of nonoverlapping, three-nucleotide words
What is the Triplet code?
All four strands of DNA following replication have a mixture of old/new DNA
What is dispersive model?
Enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of new DNA by adding nucleotides to the 3’ end of a preexisting chain
What is DNA polymerase?
DNA polymerase III works along the OTHER template strand in the direction away from the replication fork
What is the Lagging strand?
reported that the base composition of DNA varies from species to species; the number of adenine approximately equaled the number of thymine present & the number of cytosine approximately equaled the number of guanine present
Who is Chargaff?
DNA strand being transcribed
What is the Template strand?
Short stretches of DNA that have a specific sequence of nucleotides; bacteria have one site while eukaryotes could have hundreds/thousands
What is the origin of replication?
Adds a DNA nucleotide to the RNA primer & continues adding DNA nucleotides to the growing end of the new DNA strand
What is DNA polymerase III?
Other enzymes (NOT polymerase) remove & replace incorrectly paired nucleotides that have been overlooked during the proofreading process
What is mismatch repair?
The first to suggest that genes dictate phenotypes through enzymes
Who was Archibald Garrod
Virus that infects bacteria
What is a bacteriophage?
Helps relieve strain by breaking, swiveling, & rejoining DNA strands
What is topoisomerase?
As each monomer is joined, two phosphate groups are lost as...
What is pyrophosphate?
A repair mechanism in which a damaged segment of DNA is excised (nuclease) & replaced with the correct nucleotides (aided by DNA polymerase/DNA ligase)
What is nucleotide excision repair?