Mendel's Experiments
NonMendelian Genetics
Through his experiments with pea plants, Mendel concluded the inheritance of traits is determined by ...
What is a pair of "factors," one from each parent?
Mendel ensured that the plants of his parent generation were all ...
What is purebred?
The offspring of 2 chickens have a 1 in 4 chance of being white (the recessive trait), This cross can produce the possibility of such offspring.
What is Yy x Yy
This blood genotype is an example of codominance.
What is IA, IB?
Father of Genetics.
Who is Gregor Mendel?
This discovery of Mendel is represented when a black dog and a white dog mate and the resulting puppies are all black.
What is law of dominance?
If a true breeding plant, tall (dominant) plant is crossed with a true breeding plant, short (recessive), all of the offspring have this phenotype:
What is tall?
One parent is homozygous recessive for attached earlobes and the other is heterozygous. What is the probability their children have attached earlobes?
What is 50%?
Increasing genetic variation is an advantage of this happening in meiosis.
What is crossing over?
An extra copy of chromosome 13 is known as this.
What is a trisomy?
According to Mendel, the allele that expresses itself in the phenotype is called this.
What is dominant?
Mendel crossed tall heterozygous plants. The offspring of this cross show this ratio for phenotypes.
What is 75% tall, 25% short or 3 tall: 1 short?
Jamie has free earlobes, which is recessive. Her parents both have attached earlobes. The genotypes of Jamie's parents must be:
What is heterozygous?
This mode of inheritance explains why a mother with a particular recessive trait will always pass it on to her son.
What is sex-linkage?
When viewing a karyotype, the presence of an odd number of chromosomes would give strong support for the presence of this:
What is a monosomy (or trisomy)?
A couple has two children, one with brown hair and blue eyes and one with brown hair and brown eyes. The fact that the children can have the same hair color and different eye color is explained by this.
What is law of independent assortment?
Passing of genes from parents to offspring.
What is heredity?
Two pea plants that are heterozygous for tall are crossed. The phenotypic ratio of their young is this.
What is 3 tall: 1 short?
In 4 o'clock flowers, the alleles for red and yellow flowers show incomplete dominance. The phenotype of the heterozygous flowers is:
What is orange?
This theory was most influential in the completion of the human genome project.
What is chromosome theory of heredity?
Alleles of a gene separate from each other during meiosis is explained in this of Mendel's laws.
What is law of segregation?
Mendel's experiments showed that an understanding of probability could be used to do this.
What is predict patterns of inheritance?
Snapdragons show incomplete dominance when they produce offspring. If a white snapdragon is crossed with a pink snapdragon, the phenotypes of their offspring are:
What is 2 white, 2 pink?
Red and white are codominant. If a red and white cow mated with a red cow, this is the chance that their offspring will be white.
What is 0%?
This happens in codominance.
What is both alleles show up equally?