Don't Miss-cellaneous
Billy-Gene is not my love
That's a terrible Pun-net Square
Pedigree is not just a food for dogs
PRO-ject questions
A ____________ is the physical appearance of traits, and a genotype is its genetic makeup
What is phenotype?
The factors that code for and control traits
What is a gene?
In a certain species of plant, the color purple (P) is dominant to the color white (p). According to the Punnett Square, what is the probability of an offspring being purple?

What is 100%
A Pedigree shows a _______________ genetic history.
What is a family's?
Children inherit half of their genetic material from their _______ and half from their __________
What is mom and dad?
A parents children have a 50/50 chance of being color-blind. The first three kids are not color-blind. What is the chance a fourth kids will be color-blind?
What is 50%
In humans dark hair (H) is dominant to light hair (h). If a child has a genotype of Hh what percent chance will he be light haired?
What is 0 %?
One flower is heterozygous red (Rr) and it is crossed with a heterozygous red (Rr) plant. Use a Punnett square to determine the probability of for each genotype
What is 25% RR 50% Rr 25% rr
In a pedigree a __________ represents a man and a ___________ represents a woman
What is a square represents a man and a circle represents a female?
Name one disease that occurs do to genetic mutation and not from direct inheritance
What is turners, klinefelters, down syndrome?
Genes are stored on _____________. We have 23 pairs as humans.
What are chromosomes?
An organism that has two different alleles for a trait is said to be _______________
What is Heterozygous?
Using a punnet square so why there is a 50/50 chance for a child being a man or women
What is
What does the half filled circle represent?
What is a carrier for the trait?
The process of taking genetic material from one organism and putting it into another is ____________
What is genetic engineering?
The likelihood a particular event will occur
What is probability?
Blue eyes are a recessive trait (b). Brown eyes are dominant (B). if a child has blue eyes, what is their genotype?
What is bb?
Marfan’s Syndrome is an recessive chromosomal disorder (mm). A genetic counselor tells you there is a 25% percent chance of your child getting Marfan's Syndrome. What is the genotype of each of the parents?
What is Mm/Mm?
Sickle Cell is a recessive genetic disorder. People with the disorder are represented by filling in the shape. If 3 and 4 have a child what is the probability of the child having sickle cell?
What is zero percent chance, but 100 percent chance of being a carrier
Name two blood types
What is A, B, AB, O?
Sex chromosomes for a male are ___________ Sex chromosomes for a female are __________
What is male= xy female=xx
Two identical alleles for a trait is called
What is homozygous?
A Father with normal vision X (capital C) Y has a child with his wife who is a carrier for color blindness X (capital C) X (lowercase c). What are the chances a male child will be colorblind?
What is 50%? See page 107
Why is a pedigree unimportant if you are trying to determine whether you son or daughter will be good looking?
What is looking good is a person's opinion and therefore cannot be determined solely by genetic inheritance.
Name one argument for and against human genetic engineering
What is ---various--