Childhood and Upbringing
Military Strategies and Tactics
Unification of Mongol Tribes
Conquering the Khwazermian
Legacy and Impact

Where was Genghis Khan born? 

a) Mongolia b) Kazakhstan c) China d) Uzbekistan



Which specialized unit in Genghis Khan's army was known for its mobility and rapid strikes? 

a) Archers b) Catapult units c) Horse-mounted cavalry d) Infantry

Horse-mounted cavalry


What was the primary reason for the fragmented nature of the Mongol tribes before Genghis Khan's unification? 

a) Religious differences b) Linguistic barriers c) Constant internal conflicts d) Geographical separation

Constant internal conflicts


Which Khwarezmian ruler's actions provoked Genghis Khan to launch an invasion of the Khwarezmian Empire? 

a) Alp Arslan b) Muhammad II c) Jalal ad-Din d) Shah Ala ad-Din Muhammad

Shah Ala ad-Din Muhammad


Genghis Khan's conquests contributed to the spread of what important system? 

a) Feudalism b) Mercantilism c) Pax Mongolica d) Absolutism

Pax Mongolica


What was Genghis Khan's birth name? 

a) Temujin b) Kublai c) Ogedei d) Borte



Genghis Khan's army was highly skilled in using what type of bow? 

a) Longbow b) Crossbow c) Recurve bow d) Compound bow

Recurve bow


Which influential Mongol leader was Genghis Khan's main rival before he achieved the unification? 

a) Ong Khan b) Jamukha c) Toghrul d) Börte



What was the initial cause of tension between the Khwarezmian Empire and the Mongols that led to the conflict? 

a) Religious disputes b) Trade disputes c) Border disputes d) Dynastic marriage disagreements

Trade disputes


What was one of the major legacies of Genghis Khan in terms of governance and law? 

a) Introduction of democratic principles b) Development of a centralized legal system c) Establishment of a constitutional monarchy d) Emphasis on absolute dictatorship

Development of a centralized legal system


Who was Genghis Khan's childhood friend and later became a significant ally? 

a) Jamukha b) Jochi c) Subutai d) Ogodei



What was one of the key strategies employed by Genghis Khan to conquer fortified cities? 

a) Tunneling under city walls b) Battering rams c) Encircling the city with siege weapons d) Psychological warfare

Psychological warfare


What strategy did Genghis Khan use to gain support and allies from other tribes during his unification efforts? 

a) Military conquest and dominance b) Diplomacy and alliances c) Offering wealth and riches d) Religious conversion

Diplomacy and alliances


After Genghis Khan sent a trade caravan to the Khwarezmian Empire, how did Shah Ala ad-Din Muhammad respond? 

a) He welcomed the merchants and their goods. b) He seized the goods and executed the merchants. c) He initiated a peaceful trade agreement. d) He sent a formal apology to Genghis Khan.

He seized the goods and executed the merchants.


What cultural legacy did Genghis Khan leave in the regions his empire conquered? 

a) Encouragement of religious intolerance b) Preservation of local customs and traditions c) Enforced cultural assimilation d) Eradication of local languages

Preservation of local customs and traditions


Who kidnapped Temujin's wife, Borte, when he was still young? 

a) Merkit tribe b) Tatars c) Jurchen tribe d) Chinese soldiers



What was the purpose of Genghis Khan's use of the "Mongol Yasa"? 

a) Code of conduct for soldiers b) A religious text for his army c) Map for navigation d) Communication system via flags

Code of conduct for soldiers


What treaty solidified the alliance between Genghis Khan and Toghrul, the leader of the Kereyid tribe? 

a) Treaty of Karakorum b) Treaty of Naimans c) Treaty of Borte d) Treaty of Burkhan Khaldun

Treaty of Karakorum


Genghis Khan's first military campaign in the Khwarezmian Empire targeted which strategic city? 

a) Samarkand b) Bukhara c) Merv d) Herat



How did Genghis Khan's rule contribute to the improvement of trade and commerce? 

a) By imposing heavy tariffs on foreign trade b) Through the establishment of trade barriers c) By securing trade routes and ensuring safe passage d) By banning all foreign trade

By securing trade routes and ensuring safe passage


How did Genghis Khan acquire the title "Genghis Khan"? 

a) By winning a battle against the Chinese army b) By uniting the Mongol tribes under his rule c) By defeating the Persian Empire d) By capturing the city of Karakorum

Uniting Mongol tribes under his rule


What was the name of the tactical formation Genghis Khan's army frequently used for encircling the enemy?

 a) Diamond Formation b) Crescent Formation c) Eagle Formation d) Encirclement Formation

Encirclement Formation


How did Genghis Khan's use of meritocracy contribute to the unity of the Mongol tribes? 

a) Only aristocrats were given power. b) Positions were based on loyalty to Genghis Khan. c) People were appointed based on their abilities and talents. d) Leadership roles were determined by hereditary rights.

People were appointed based on their abilities and talents.


Genghis Khan employed what military tactic to effectively conquer Khwarezmian cities? 

a) Surprise night attacks b) Siege warfare c) Direct assaults d) Scorched-earth strategy

Scorched-earth strategy


Genghis Khan's descendants continued his legacy by establishing what tradition in the Mongol Empire? 

a) An enduring tradition of military conquest b) Adoption of Confucianism c) Expansion of the Silk Road d) A commitment to religious tolerance

A commitment to religious tolerance