Scientists Surname F...
Element Symbols
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Movie Quotes
Eminem albums out of context

He is widely regarded as the father of psychoanalysis, pioneering the exploration of the unconscious mind.

Who is Sigmund Freud?


Known for its lustrous appearance and has been used for making jewelry and coins for centuries. Its element symbol comes from the Latin word "aurum."

What is Gold?


The number of the planets in our solar system.

What is eight?


This double Oscar-winner movie franchise includes the famous quote “I am gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.

What is "The Godfather"?


This distance is approximately equals to 12.8748 km.

What is 8 mile?


Recognized as a polymath and one of the founding fathers of the United States, this person made groundbreaking contributions to various fields, including science. I’d bet 100 dollars that you know this question.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


Known for its shiny, white appearance and use in jewelry and cutlery. Its element symbol is derived from the Latin word "argentum."

What is Silver?


Composed by the Italian baroque composer Vivaldi, this musical piece is divided into several parts, each representing a different period of the year.

What is "Four Seasons"?


“Why so serious?” is a popular quote by a villain in this 2008 movie.

What is "The Dark Knight"?


An unbounded quantity or an endless sequence that goes on forever without a specific endpoint.

What is Infinite?


As a chemist and x-ray crystallographer, this individual played a crucial role in uncovering the structure of DNA. Despite challenges and controversies, their work laid the foundation for understanding the molecular basis of life.

Who is Rosalind Franklin?


A highly reactive metal that can be found in common table salt and is known for its explosive reaction with water. Its element symbol comes from the Latin word "natrium.”

What is Sodium?


The Azerbaijani alphabet consists of this many letters.

What is thirty-two?


The quote “My mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.” from this movie tells us that life is full of surprises.

What is "Forrest Gump"?


Originally a term associated with World War II, it refers to a tactic where Japanese pilots carried out suicide attacks by crashing their planes into enemy ships.

What is Kamikaze?


Known for experiments with electricity and magnetism, this scientist and experimenter laid the groundwork for modern physics. Significant advancements in the understanding of electromagnetic induction and electrolysis are attributed to this individual.

Who is Michael Faraday?


Liquid at room temperature has a silvery appearance and is sometimes used in thermometers. Its element symbol comes from the Greek word "hydrargyrum," meaning "liquid silver."

What is Mercury?


The minimum amount of storage available in the iPhone 15 pro max.

What is 256GB?


This 90s movie has the quote a kid saying “I see dead people.”

What is "Sixth Sense"?


In medical contexts, it refers to the process of returning to a normal or healthy state after illness, injury, or surgery.

What is Recovery?

A Scottish biologist and pharmacologist, this notable figure in medical history made a groundbreaking discovery that revolutionized medicine. The development of the first widely used antibiotic resulted from their chance observation of a mold.

Who is Alexander Fleming?


Recognized for its elevated melting point, this is a dense metal employed in the production of robust and long-lasting materials, such as steel and lightbulbs. The element's symbol is derived from the German term "wolfram."

What is Tungsten?


This can be either the 7th or 8th of May depending on if it is a leap year or not.

What is the 128th day of the year?


“You talking to me?” is a popular quote by a man holding a gun in front of the mirror in this 70s movie.

What is "Taxi Driver"?


Translates to "again" in French. In the context of performances, it is a request for an additional performance from the artist.

What is Encore?