Word for Film
(bonus +2 for spelling it with hiragana on the board)
Word for breakfast
what does the Masu and Masen form do?
Masu: to do
Masen: to no do
Today I am not going to school
Kyō wa gakkō ni ikimasen
Make a sentence using the word for cat.
Example: Anata no neko wa kawaii.
Using the word for music in a sentence
Leave up to Mark to decide the sentence.
Word for green tea spelled with hiragana
write it on the board
1) How do conjugations work?
2) What do you change in the original word to conjugate it?
1) Taberu goes to Tabemasu
2) Mark decides how to answer
I will eat over there
Asoko de tabemasu
What is the most well known kind of tree in Japan?
Sakura or cherry blossom tree
Use katakana for the word for sports.
word for coffee
Your hint: it is a foreign/borrowed word, it will be in katakana. Bonus +2 points for spelling it with katakana.
Taberu to masu form
That coffee is not good (write it in hiragana and katakana as a bonus)
Sono kōhī wa oishikunai
Name of rice balls in Japanese
Use hiragana and katakana in a sentence including the word for tennis.
Mark decides the sentence
use the word for water in a sentence
Watashi wa mizu o nomu no ga sukidesu
Make a sentence with taberu conjugated to either Masu and Masen.
Tomorrow I will eat lunch
ashita wa asagohan o tabemasu.
How many years old high school do Japanese students have?
Japanese students only have 3 years.
Using katakana, make a sentence including tennis, sports, or television.
Mark decides the sentence
Using hiragana and/or katakana, tell me that the tea is hot.
Ocha wa atsui desu.
Using hiragana, make a sentence with masen or masu.
Mark decides
Yesterday I was at home
Kinō wa ie ni imashita
Why is the number 4 feared and avoided?
One of the ways it is said is "shi" which means death. The full word "to die" is "shinu"